Suffering is, as a result of ignorance of truth and natural law. Anything less than self-ownership is slavery. Freedom. Morally right behaviour not government granted privileges. Your ability to exercise free will within, ... Skoða með gagnrýni.!


Suffering is, as a result of ignorance of truth and natural law.

Anything less than self-ownership is slavery.
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Morally right behaviour not government granted privileges.
Your ability to exercise free will within your rights without threat of violence.


Free will, choice, choose knowledge over ignorance.

  The world, the human condition needs you to know the truth.


We are living in post apocalyptic times.
Once the apocalypse has happened then there is either transformation and Ascension or judgement and conviction by the governing dynamics of  the consequences of behaviour.
Natural Law governs the consequences of behaviour.
The truth has been revealed. the evil is pandemic. 
Humanity needs to become aware of the truth. 
The truth is out there it is hiding it plain sight.
What happens now is up to you and me.
How are you going to think, feel and act now that the apocalypse has happened.
Are you going to ignore it and behave in ignore-ance condoning the immoral atrocities taking place, or are you going to process the knowledge and add your newly acquired understanding to the growing aggregate of people behaving in moral righteousness.
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The choice is your responsibility not another's you must decide if you want freedom or slavery than behave accordingly. This is the time of reckoning, the test, will we pass? Will we allow the evil to propagate into moral depravity or will we co-create an environment conducive to the positive evolution of consciousness. 

Truth is singular, and universal there is no such thing as my truth, his truth, truth for some but not all, truth is truth.
Freedom and Morality are directly proportional, loss of morality = loss of freedom.
Seek the truth, than speak the truth.


Bloggfærslur 16. mars 2018


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