Leti, við erum ekki tilbúin, reyna í næstu viku, næsta mánuði, eða á næsta ári. Lausn, gera eitthvað í 60 sekúndur, eina mínútu á hverjum degi, þá hefur þú eignast getuna, regluna, endurtekninguna.

 A Japanese Technique to Overcome Laziness


Almost all of us periodically sets ourselves a new goal or challenge — and just as often in the end fails to achieve them. We end up telling ourselves that we’re just not ready yet, that we’ll do it next week, next month...next year. We might even pursue them with zeal at the start. But once we’ve made a small amount of effort, we’ll tell ourselves we’ve done enough, and it’s time to take this whole ‘starting a new life’ thing more slowly. Why does it always turn out like this? The answer’s fairly obvious: Because we try to achieve too much, too fast; because we get sick of the new responsibility; because it’s difficult to change old habits and try something new.


Self-made successes swear by exercising every day for at least 30 minutes. After just 10 days, it already became a habit. I became more concentrated and calmer.

Egilsstaðir, 09.03.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Bloggfærslur 9. mars 2018


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