
Velt vöngum/Thinking. Rome = (European Empire)?


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"It was the Assyrian monarch, Sargon II (721-705 BC), who first forcefully relocated Hebrews

after the conquest of Israel, the northern kingdom of the Hebrews.

Although this was a comparatively mild deportation and perfectly in line with Assyrian practice,

it marks the historical beginning of the Jewish diaspora."

Source: Mesopotamia from Washington State University, ©Richard Hooker -----)"


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The Babylonians By Mitchell Bard

When an expeditionary force failed to quell the unrest, Nebuchadnezzar led his army into Jerusalem and

captured the city in 597 B.C. He deported thousands of Jews who had been part of the ruling elite

and who might be tempted to lead a future rebellion. Nebuchadnezzar appointed twenty-one year

old Zedekiah, a descendant of King David, to serve as king.

Zedekiah did not turn out to be the puppet Nebuchadnezzar expected and mounted a new revolt.

This time Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the countryside and, after an eighteen-month siege, razed Jerusalem.

In the typically grisly fashion of the time, Zedekiah's sons were murdered in front of him and then Zedekiah's

his eyes were gouged out. A handful of Judeans fled to Egypt, some poor, elderly, and sick peasants remained

in Judah, and the rest of the population was deported to Babylon. It was 586 B.C.; Judah had outlived

Israel by 136 years, but the days of the Jewish kingdoms appeared to be over.-----)" Source: Bard, Mitchell G.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Middle East Conflicts. NY: MacMillan, 1999



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Roman Rule

(63 BCE-313 CE)


(40 BCE), and the Land became a province of the Roman Empire.


Growing anger against increased Roman suppression of Jewish life resulted in sporadic violence which

esclated into a full-scale revolt in 66 CE. Superior Roman forces led by Titus were finally victorious,

razing Jerusalem to the ground (70 CE) and defeating the last Jewish outpost at Masada (73 CE).


The total destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple was catastrophic for the Jewish people. According to

the contemporary historian Josephus Flavius, hundreds of thousands of Jews perished in the siege

of Jerusalem and elsewhere in the country, and many thousands more were sold into slavery.


A last brief period of Jewish sovereignty in ancient times followed the revolt of Shimon Bar Kokhba (132 CE),

during which Jerusalem and Judea were regained. However, given the overwhelming power of the Romans, the

outcome was inevitable. Three years later, in conformity with Roman custom, Jerusalem was "plowed up

with a yoke of oxen," Judea was renamed Palaestinia and Jerusalem, Aelia Capitolina.


Although the Temple had been destroyed and Jerusalem burned to the ground, the Jews and Judaism

survived the encounter with Rome. ----)"



Jesú boðaði trú Gyðinga.

Jesus preached the Jewish religion.


Gamaliel II excludes sectarians (including Christians) from the synagogues: ca. 90-100*CE


Þessi trú Gyðinga var boðuð sem slík í nokkur hundruð ár.

For several centuries, the Jewish religion was spread in that form to other peoples.


Róm reyndi að eyða þessari trú og trúuðum, sem þeim fannst keppa við


The Roman Empire attempted to wipe out this religion and its followers,

feeling that it competed with the Emperor.


Stór hluti borgara í Rómaveldi var orðinn hlyntur þessari trú.

By this time a large part of the Roman population adhered to this belief.


Keisarinn gerðist þá höfuð trúarinnar (if you can not beet them, join them).

Therefore, the Emporer made himself head of the religion - if you can't beat them, join them!


Guðspjöllin sem Róm náði til, gefa í skin að æðstu prestarnir og fræðimennirnir

hafi verið ráðviltir og viljað losna við Jesú.

The Gospels that Rome had obtained imply that the chief priests and the scribes

were bewildered and wanted to get rid of Jesus.


Eitt guðspjall fannst í Tíbet "1887"? og er það trúlega óritskoðað af Róm

One Gospel, found in Tibet (1887?), was probably not edited by the Romans.


Í þessu Guðspjalli krossfestu Rómverjar Jesú en Gyðingar mótmæltu.

According to this Gospel, the Romans crucified Jesus, while the Jews protested.


I Matteusarguðspjalli hyllir lýðurinn Jesús

Matteusarguðspjall 21:


8 Fjöldamargir breiddu klæði sín á veginn, en aðrir hjuggu lim af trjánum og stráðu á veginn.

9 Og múgur sá, sem á undan fór og eftir fylgdi, hrópaði: ,,Hósanna syni Davíðs!

Blessaður sé sá sem kemur, í nafni Drottins! Hósanna í hæstum hæðum!``

10 Þegar hann kom inn í Jerúsalem, varð öll borgin í uppnámi, og menn spurðu: ,,Hver er hann?``

11 Fólkið svaraði: ,,Það er spámaðurinn Jesús frá Nasaret í Galíleu.``

12 Þá gekk Jesús í helgidóminn og rak út alla, sem voru að selja þar og kaupa,

hratt um borðum víxlaranna og stólum dúfnasalanna

13 og mælti við þá: ,,Ritað er: ,Hús mitt á að vera bænahús,` en þér gjörið það að ræningjabæli.``

14 Blindir og haltir komu til hans í helgidóminum, og hann læknaði þá.

15 Æðstu prestarnir og fræðimennirnir sáu dásemdarverkin, sem hann gjörði, og heyrðu börnin hrópa í

helgidóminum: ,,Hósanna syni Davíðs!`` Þeir urðu gramir við

16 og sögðu við hann: ,,Heyrir þú, hvað þau segja?`` Jesús svaraði þeim: ,,Já, hafið þér aldrei lesið þetta:

,Af barna munni og brjóstmylkinga býrðu þér lof.```


Matthew 21


,,21:8 A very great multitude spread their clothes on the road. Others cut branches from the trees,

and spread them on the road.

21:9 The multitudes who went before him, and who followed kept shouting, "Hosanna to the son of David!

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!"*

21:10 When he had come into Jerusalem, all the city was stirred up, saying, "Who is this?"

21:11 The multitudes said, "This is the prophet, Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee."

21:12 Jesus entered into the temple of God, and drove out all of those who sold and bought in the temple,

and overthrew the money changers' tables and the seats of those who sold the doves.

21:13 He said to them, "It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,'*

but you have made it a den of robbers!"*

21:14 The blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them.

21:15 But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children

who were crying in the temple and saying, "Hosanna to the son of David!" they were indignant,

21:16 and said to him, "Do you hear what these are saying?"Jesus said to them, "Yes. Did you never read,

‘Out of the mouth of babes and nursing babies you have perfected praise?'"*



Spurning er hvort Róm vildi kenna Gyðingum um krossfestinguna,

There is a question of whether Rome wanted to blame the crucifixion on the Jews


hvort reynt var að láta líta svo út að kristni væri eitthvað annað en trú


in an effort to make it appear that Christianity was something other than the Jewish religion.


Var Gyðingum eitt og þeir þjakaðir í 2000 ár vegna þessarar krossfestingar Rómverja á Jesu?

Were Jews exterminated and persecuted for 2000 years because the Romans crucified Jesus?


Vegna þessarar krossfestingar Rómar eða valdsins, á trúnni á að valdið bæri ábyrgð á gerðum sínum

gagnvart skapara alls.

Because Rome or the Roman government carried out their crucifixion of the belief that authorities

were responsible to God for their actions?


Er Evrópa enn að, erum við enn að?

Is Europe still on this course? Are we still on this course?


Dauðahafs handritin munu færa gyðinga og kristna saman.

The Dead Sea Scrolls will move Jews and Christians together.


Trú Gyðinga frá því fyrir Krist lifði áfram í kristninni

The belief of the Jews before Christ (lieved on) was perserved in the Christianity


Rom umbar Rabbina skólan sem var kenndur hjá Gyðingum frá 70 eftir Krist.

Rom tolerated the Rabbinical school from 70 after Christ.


Hver getur leitt Gyðingdóm, Kristindóm og Múhameðstrú saman.

Who can guide Judaism, Christendom and Islam together.


Allir ákalla þeir Guð Abrahams.

All of them appael to the God of Abraham.



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Pliny the Elder's account of the Essenes (28.)


The only wing of Judean politics to survive the great war was a Pharisaitic branch built largely under

the auspices of Johanan ben Zakkai who obtained permission from Titus, the Roman conqueror of

Jerusalem in 70 A.D., to go to Jamnia and there set up a Rabbinical school.

The rabbinical school in Jamnia instrumented sweeping changes in Judean theology and literature,

creating what is called 'Rabbinic Judaism', the forerunner of Judaism as it is known today.


As we have already mentioned, what makes the Qumran documents so important to us is

that it consists of pre-Jamnian material.


It presents us with a picture of Judaism as it existed at, and before the days of Christ.


But for most Christians, the scrolls at Qumran are living proof that the scriptures we have today

stem from documents that have changed little, if at all, over two thousand years

of copying and recopying by numberless unknown scribes.

The 'Isaiah Scroll' which comes from Qumran and is displayed in its entirety at the very center

of the The Israel Museum in Jerusalem is at least 100 years older than Jesus.

Its very age absolute proof that Isaiah's words of prophecy ring out a truth that Christians could not

possibly have made up, or altered, during the course of their ministry.



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The Jewish Roman World of Jesus

Dr. James D. Tabor


The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered between 1947-1956 in 11 caves (5 by Beduin; 6 by archaeologists)

on the upper northwest shore of the Dead Sea.


The Scrolls appear to be the library of a Jewish sect which was hidden away in caves around the outbreak

of the Jewish-Roman War (66 C.E.). Archaeological evidence indicates the settlement had been inhabited

since about 150 B.C.E.


The Scrolls are of great interest to both Jews and Christians. They represent a non-rabbinic form of Judaism,

and also contain many important parallels to the Jesus movement. -------)"



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Discovery of the Scrolls

Men of Qumran and the Messiah


"Probably the Dead Sea Scrolls have had the greatest Biblical impact. they have provided

Old Testament manuscripts approximately 1,000 years older than our previous oldest manuscript.

The Dead Sea Scrolls have demonstrated that the Old Testament was accurately transmitted during

this interval. In addition, they provide a wealth of information on the times leading up to, and during,

the life of Christ.
--Dr. Bryant Wood, archaeologist, Associates for Biblical Research



Doctrine of the Scrolls


It is a prediction of the birth of a Wonderful Child, possibly drawing on Isaiah 9:6-7:

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given... and his name shall be called Wonderful."

This child will bear special marks on His body and will be distinguished by wisdom and intelligence.

He will be able to probe the secrets of all living creatures, and He will inaugurate the new age for

which the faithful fervently awaited.


Is it not striking that soon after this manuscript was composed, a child was born who fulfilled the hopes

of Israel and inaugurated a new age? Although the men of Qumran were mistaken in the details of their

messiah, they did expect one whose general characteristics were strikingly illustrated by Jesus of Nazareth,

the Son of God and Messiah. It is not known if some early Christian brought the message of Jesus

to this wilderness community. We are left only to speculate on how they would have responded to

the Wonderful Child born in Bethlehem who was the Prophet, Priest and King of Israel -----)"


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