Žarna er sagt aš Soros standi fyrir fólksflęšinu inn ķ Ķsrael frį Afriku, og inn ķ Evrópu frį Afrķku og Mišausturlöndum. Soros viršist hafa haft įhrif į okkur, aš hafa sameiginleg snyrtiherbergi, og aš gifta samkynhneigša.


Hafši Soros įhrif į žaš žegar Alžingi samžykkti aš žaš mętti plata konur til aš afsala sér móšurhlutverkinu, og svipta žį barniš móšur sinni, eins og dęmin sanna?

Eru flokkarnir sem vilja opna allt, žį undir įhrifum frį Sorus Open Society Foundation?


Our World: Soros’s campaign of global chaos


08/22/2016 21:44



…. But the fact is that Soros-backed projects share basic common attributes. They all work to weaken the ability of national and local authorities in Western democracies to uphold the laws and values of their nations and communities. ….


…. In other words, their goal is to subvert Western democracies and make it impossible for governments to maintain order or for societies to retain their unique identities and values.

Black Lives Matter, which has received $650,000 from Soros-controlled groups over the past year, is a classic example of these efforts. Until recently, the police were universally admired in the US as the domestic equivalent of the military. ….

…. Then there are Soros’s actions on behalf of illegal immigration. From the US to Europe to Israel, Soros has implemented a worldwide push to use immigration to undermine the national identity and demographic composition of Western democracies.

The leaked emails show that his groups have interfered in European elections to get politicians elected who support open border policies for immigrants from the Arab world and to financially and otherwise support journalists who report sympathetically on immigrants.

Soros’s groups are on the ground enabling illegal immigrants to enter the US and Europe. They have sought to influence US Supreme Court rulings on illegal immigration from Mexico. They have worked with Muslim and other groups to demonize Americans and Europeans who oppose open borders.

In Israel as well, Soros opposes government efforts to end the flow of illegal immigration from Africa through the border with Egypt.

The notion at the heart of the push for the legalization of unfettered immigration is that states should not be able to protect their national identities.

If it is racist for Greeks to protect their national identity by seeking to block the entrance of millions of Syrians to their territory, then it is racist for Greece – or France, Germany, Hungary, Sweden the US or Poland – to exist.

Parallel to these efforts are others geared toward rejecting the right of Western democracies to uphold long-held social norms. Soros-supported groups, for instance, stand behind the push not only for gay marriage but for unisex public bathrooms.

They support not only the right of women to serve in combat units, but efforts to force soldiers to live in unisex barracks. In other words, they support efforts aimed at denying citizens of Western democracies the right to maintain any distance between themselves and Soros’s rejection of their most intimate values – their sexual privacy and identity.

As far as Israel is concerned, Soros-backed groups work to delegitimize every aspect of Israeli society as racist and illegitimate. The Palestinians are focal point of his attacks. He uses them to claim that Israel is a racist state. Soros funds moderate leftist groups, radical leftist groups, Israeli Arab groups and Palestinian groups. In various, complementary ways, these groups tell their target audiences that Israel has no right to defend itself or enforce its laws toward its non-Jewish citizens. ….

…. n many ways, Donald Trump’s campaign is a direct response not to Clinton, but to Soros himself.….

….The peoples of the West need to recognize the common foundations of all Soros’s actions. They need to realize as well that the only response to these premeditated campaigns of subversion is for the people of the West to stand up for their national rights and their individual right to security. They must stand with the national institutions that guarantee that security, in accordance with the rule of the law, and uphold and defend their national values and traditions.

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Žarna er sagt aš Soros standi fyrir fólksflęšinu inn ķ Ķsrael frį Afriku, og inn ķ Evrópu frį Afrķku og Mišausturlöndum. Soros viršist hafa haft įhrif į okkur, aš hafa sameiginleg snyrtiherbergi, og aš gifta samkynhneigša.


Egilsstašir, 02.09.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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