Dr. Patricia Sutherlands ground-breaking research on an early Viking/Norse presence in Arctic Canada is gravely threatened and I would like to see her dismissal from the Museum of Civilization ended.
Pat Sutherland is an archaeologist who has done research in Arctic Canada for almost forty years. For most of the past decade she has investigated the nature and extent of a Viking and mediaeval Norse presence in the eastern Arctic between about 1000 and 1450 AD, several centuries before the official European discovery of North America by Columbus, Cabot, Cartier and other explorers whose names are in history textbooks. She discovered the first hints of this episode in archaeological collections in the Canadian Museum of Civilization. From 2000 until 2012 she worked as a curator at that museum, broadening her explorations of the historical events revealed by her original discovery. It is now apparent that not only was there a significant pre-Columbian European presence in Arctic Canada, but that the Indigenous occupants of the region were engaged in commerce with the newcomers long before the transatlantic fur trade began in the 16th century.
Dr. Patricia Sutherlands ground-breaking research on an early Viking/Norse presence in Arctic Canada is gravely threatened and I would like to see her dismissal from the Museum of Civilization ended.
Egilsstaðir, 14.09.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Það var farið illa með Patriciu Sutherland en ég hef fylgst með henni í allavegana 20 ár núna en hún hefir veið ofsótt af bæði akademíunni og Styrktaraðilum.Það var sagt að hún hafi verið frek og ósérhlífin yfirmaður en stundum lendir fólk í tönnunum á öðru fyrir það þótt málefnið sé trúlegt.
Valdimar Samúelsson, 14.9.2016 kl. 14:57
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