Poland to Muslims, Jesus is King, now get out! USA needs to watch this!
Sadly, many people are unaware. Adults know what is on TV, they know what sports are on, but they are oblivious to the Muslim invasion! Soon, they will have no choice but to face it.
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Published on Dec 28, 2016
Strong White Christian Women speaking up, when so many cowards sit by doing nothing. Love all people, but NEVER be ashamed to love your people. There is a dangerous Muslim problem in the United States and Europe. Sadly, many people are unaware. Adults know what is on TV, they know what sports are on, but they are oblivious to the Muslim invasion! Soon, they will have no choice but to face it. SHARE these videos. Please subscribe, I will have a Strong channel with diverse and meaningful content for people to learn. I do not ask for money, and I have nothing to sell you. I want to share the truth with my fellow men and women who have the Courage to hear it.
Egilsstašir, 26.02.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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