Vinna og ákall Kristinna breytir heiminum. Þú verður að vinna að Kristnu gildunum. Þá verður þjóðfélagið, þjóðfélögin í lagi. The Money Changers at the Federal Reserve Terrified of Christian Uprising

Christian Uprising Starts With You

The Lord Jesus Christ wants to use everyone of his children to lead this Country back to its’ Christian roots. Read and pray the prayer below and ask God to lead America back to him:

The Money Changers at the Federal Reserve Terrified of Christian Uprising


Families that own The Banking System and Its’ Network of Corporations

-The History of the Federal Reserve Corporation Trying to Destroying America

President Donald Trump To Shut Down Federal Reserve Bank Corporation?


Watch the entire video

President Donald Trump To Shut Down Federal Reserve Bank Corporation – WSJ Questioning Future “.

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Christian Uprising Starts With You

The Lord Jesus Christ wants to use everyone of his children to lead this Country back to its’ Christian roots. Read and pray the prayer below and ask God to lead America back to him:

“Lord Jesus Christ our King and Savior,

Please come back to America.
Help us get rid of the Evil in Government.

Help Christians to get right with you.
Help us Lead The World To You Father.
In Jesus Christ
s Most Holy name Amen.”


Egilsstaðir, 03.03.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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