Sett á blogg: Ómar Geirsson
Ég sé engan tala, skrifa um, umtalað svindl, Goldman Sachs.
"Sadly, though, my guess is that Goldman will find a way
to steer clear of the entire shooting match at all costs to avoid disclosing its business practices
the same way it paid a $550 million fine last year
to settle charges of securities fraud related to mortgage investments.
Incidentally, the SEC was very proud of its pound of flesh and the $550 million penalty
apparently they didn t realize that Goldman booked more than $13 billion in the process.
Apparently, the pigs still wear lipstick and the regulators still haven t got a clue just who s running the show these days."
Endilega leiðréttið mig af ég misskil eitthvað, og þá laga ég það strax.
Egilsstaðir, 22.03.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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