Berlin | A team of psychologists and medical doctors associated with the Technische Universität of Berlin, have announced this morning that they had proven by clinical experimentation, the existence of some form of life after death. This astonishing announcement is based on the conclusions of a study using a new type of medically supervised near-death experiences, that allow patients to be clinically dead for almost 20 minutes before being brought back to life.
This controversial process that was repeated on 944 volunteers over that last four years, necessitates a complex mixture of drugs including epinephrine and dimethyltryptamine, destined to allow the body to survive the state of clinical death and the reanimation process without damage. The body of the subject was then put into a temporary comatic state induced by a mixture of other drugs which had to be filtered by ozone from his blood during the reanimation process 18 minutes later.
The extremely long duration of the experience was only recently made possible by the development of a new cardiopulmonary recitation (CPR) machine called the AutoPulse. This type of equipment has already been used over the last few years, to reanimate people who had been dead for somewhere between 40 minutes to an hour.

Near-death experiences have been hypothesized in various medical journals in the past, as having the characteristics of hallucinations, but Dr Ackermann and his team, on the contrary, consider them as evidence for the existence of the afterlife and of a form of dualism between mind and body.
The team of scientists led by Dr Berthold Ackermann, has monitored the operations and have compiled the testimonies of the subjects. Although there are some slight variations from one individual to another, all of the subjects have some memories of their period of clinical death. and a vast majority of them described some very similar sensations.
Most common memories include a feeling of detachment from the body, feelings of levitation, total serenity, security, warmth, the experience of absolute dissolution, and the presence of an overwhelming light.
The scientists say that they are well aware the many of their conclusions could shock a lot of people, like the fact that the religious beliefs of the various subjects seems to have held no incidence at all, on the sensations and experiences that they described at the end of the experiment. Indeed, the volunteers counted in their ranks some members are a variety of Christian churches, Muslims, Jews, Hindus and atheists.
I know our results could disturb the beliefs of many people says Mr Ackermann. But in a way, we have just answered one of the greatest questions in the history of mankind, so I hope these people will be able to forgive us. Yes, there is life after death and it looks like this applies to everyone.
GERMAN SCIENTISTS PROVE THERE IS LIFE AFTER DEATH - Žaš veršur alltaf aš mynna okkur į, aš žaš er framhaldslķf. Ef viš kennum žaš ekki ķ skólunum, og fjölmišluninn auglżsir žaš ekki fjórum sinnum į įri, žį gleymist žaš. Ef sannleikurinn er falinn, žį žrżfst lygin.
Egilsstašir, 13.11.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Frįbęrt ef satt vęri, en žetta er žvķ mišur vel žekkt bullfréttasķša sem žś ert aš vķsa žarna til.
Žorsteinn Siglaugsson, 13.11.2017 kl. 22:28
Žakka žér upplżsingarnar, Žorsteinn Siglaugsson
Žaš eru til fullt af rannsóknum sem segja žaš sama um framlķfiš.
Žeir sem vilja żta okkur frį ferjumanninum Jesś reyna aš fela sannleikann.
Žaš eru mikil ósannindi į netinu. Veruleikinn er reyndar žannig aš žótt viš ljśgum eins miklu og hugmyndaflugiš leifir, žį komumst viš ekki nįlęgt raunveruleikanum.
Skynjun okkar er svo takmörkuš. Margir hafa einhverja reynslu, af žessum vķddum, og rétt er aš vera athugull og skoša heiminn meš opinn huga. Gott er aš huga aš reynslu annarra.
Viš getum aldrei skiliš neitt, nema einhver reyni aš hugsa žaš upp, finna nżjar leišir, til aš leysa vandamįl og auka į blessunina.
Įriš 1900 höfšum viš vitneskjuna, stašreynda trś žess tķma. Ašeins meš opnum huga gįtum viš fundiš nżjar lausnir.
Nikola Tesla er gott dęmi um ašila sem, eins og hann sagši, fékk alla sķna žekkingu frį KJARNANUM.
Hann sagši aš hann hefši ekki gefiš sér tķma til aš skoša žennan kjarna nógu vel.
Helst var žessi kjarni hans Tesla eitthvaš ķ lķkingu viš žaš sem viš myndum kalla Heilagan Anda og Guš.
The visions of Nikola Tesla A lot of people call me a dreamer, laughing at my ideas. Our world is generous with superficial people. Time will be the judge.
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 25. september 2017
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 5. september 2015
The United States of America and Russia
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 24. nóvember 2015
Skapararnir og Nś stašreynda trśar fólkiš.
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 28. jśnķ 2015
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 28. desember 2013
Viš erum fulltrśar gnęgta, lausna.
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 21. aprķl 2013
Viš tökum ekki upp gamaldags ""Lķnu,"" jįrnbraut frį įrinu 1802, viš fįum Lķnu langsokk ķ liš meš okkur og stefnum į Jetson, strax ķ dag.
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 18. maķ 2017
En innsęiš er ęšra žekkingunni. Viš höfum įn efa vissar ofurfķnar taugar sem gera okkur kleift aš skynja sannleikann žar sem rökleg afleišsla eša sérhvert annaš mešvitaš įtak heilans er tilgangslaust.
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 2. aprķl 2017
Žiš nefniš nokkra VIRTA fréttamišla. Žessar virtu fréttastofur hafa leitt okkur afvega ķ żmsum mįlefnum. Viš allir, og žar meš góšir fréttamenn, trśšum žessum VIRTU fréttamišlum. Viš leitumst viš aš rata sem réttustu leišina.
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 20. febrśar 2017
Viš žurfum ekki aš fękka fólkinu. Munum aš įst og umhyggja móšurinnar, leišir hana til aš leita bestu lausna fyrir afkvęmiš.
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 3. mars 2016
Egilsstašir, 13.11.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Jónas Gunnlaugsson, 14.11.2017 kl. 06:53
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.