Kristnir og Gyšingar bera saman Trump og Persneska konunginn Cyrus, og hvort hann byggi žrišja Musteriš? (į eša viš Musterishęšina?jg) Cyrus, žessi heišna strķšshetja, leysti Gyšinga śr įnauš, og til baka, aš endurbyggja Musteriš ķ Jerśsalem.

Hér skrifar Haaretz um aš kristnir og Gyšingar beri Trump og Persneska konunginn Cyrus saman, og spyrji svo, skildi hann byggja žrišja Musteriš? (į eša viš Musterishęšina?jg)

Cyrus, žessi mikla heišna (?jg) strķšshetja sögunnar, leysti Gyšinga śr įnauš, og sendi žį til baka til gamla landsins, til aš endurbyggja Musteriš ķ Jerśsalem.

Einhversstašar las ég aš Musteriš hefši veriš į öšrum staš, en Al-Aqsa Moskan stendur nś. 


Christians and Jews Now Compare Trump to Persian King Cyrus – Will He Build the Third Temple?

Like Cyrus 2,500 years ago, Trump is seen as an instrument of God. And the plan: to build the Third Temple on the Temple Mount – where the Al-Aqsa Mosque currently stands

Allison Kaplan Sommer

Dec 16, 2017 11:16 PM

President Trump’s statement on Jerusalem was good for the peace camp.

President Trump’s statement on Jerusalem was good for the peace camp.

 ... Who exactly was King Cyrus? The Persian conqueror lived between 590 and 529 B.C.E. and is immortalized in the Bible’s Book of Isaiah, where he is called Koresh, the heroic pagan ruler who liberated the Jews from captivity in Babylonia and brought them back to their homeland to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. ...

Egilsstašir, 17.12.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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