Flensu lyf, sem virkar į 24 klukkustundum. Veršur ekki fįanlegt ķ Bandarķkjunum, fyrr en į nęsta įri.


Experimental flu drug could kill the virus in ONE day – but the medicine won’t be available until next year


An experimental flu drug developed in Japan is said to kill the virus in 24 hours

The Shionogi & Co. compound works three times faster than Tamiflu, the most popular flu medicine doctors and nurses use to treat patients sick with the virus

The new compound is a pill and only requires a single dose to rid patients of flu symptoms, while the drug Tamiflu has to be taken twice a day, for five days

The World Health Organization said it could change the way doctors treat the flu

The compound, however, won't be available in the United States until next year

Egilsstašir, 13.02.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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