With a trade deficit over $500 billion running in their favor, we need to create incentives for our trading partners to renegotiate our current relationships.
Thats because nations like people rarely give up economic benefits theyve grown used to having simply because doing so would be fair. They operate in their self-interest
Trump-s trade critics are wrong -- His tariffs could bring major benefits to America
Changing times require changing policies. Just because Americas trade practices made sense decades ago does not mean these same trade practices make sense in the 21st century.
President Trump has since explained what magic wand he will use. But its not magic at all. Its smart negotiating. In simplified terms, heres how it works:
With a trade deficit over $500 billion running in their favor, we need to create incentives for our trading partners to renegotiate our current relationships.
Thats because nations like people rarely give up economic benefits theyve grown used to having simply because doing so would be fair. They operate in their self-interest.
However, given this current trade imbalance, our trading partners have more to lose from reduced trade than we do.
Using the potential of fairer and more balanced but still lucrative trade relationships as the carrot and economically punitive tariffs as the stick isnt a magic wand.
However, it could be a very effective approach in the hands of a skilled negotiator willing to do what it takes to convince our trading partners that we are serious but open to negotiation.
When considering trade policy, it is important to recognize the difference between using tariffs to tilt the international playing field in favor of American businesses and using them as a negotiating tool.
Egilsstašir, 04.07.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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