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PIZZAGATE: The Scandal That Will Take Down the Clintons, the Democratic Party and the U.S. Federal Government

Posted on November 12, 2016 by State of the Nation



Benghazigate Broke Open Emailgate,
Emailgate Broke Open Servergate,
Servergate and Emailgate Broke Open Weinergate,
Weinergate Broke Open Pizzagate

Guess what’s coming next?

ISISGATE…And It Doesn’t Get Any Bigger Than That

Pedophilia Symbol      State of the Nation

For those many citizen journalists who are in the know, Pizzagate was immediately recognized as the scandal that will literally take down the U.S. Federal Government, after it dissolves the Democratic Party.

This epic and rapidly unfolding crime spree has all the elements to incriminate many leading politicians and D.C. power-brokers, well-known globalists and Beltway lobbyists. Truly, this is the scandal that the American people have been waiting for.

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