Įstarsaga Nasismans, Hann gekk ķ flokkinn, til aš fį vinnu, hitti įstina Gyšing, giftist įstinni, hrakinn śr flokknum, hjónabandiš gert ógilt, flża til Dannmerkur, tekin höndum, sleppt, tekin aftur, hann sendur til Króatķu, fallinn, hśn tekin af lķfi 1942

Įstarsaga Nasismans, Hann gekk ķ Nasistaflokkinn, til aš fį vinnu, hitti įstina sķna sem reyndist vera Gyšingur, giftist henni, įstinni sinni, var hrakinn śr Nasistaflokknum, hjónabandiš gert ógilt, įstfangin reyna aš flża yfir landamęrin til Dannmerkur, tekin höndum, sleppt, tekin aftur, hann sendur til Króatķu, talinn fallinn? hśn tekin af lķfi ķ Bernburg Euthanasia Centre ķ febrśar 1942 įsamt 14.000 öšrum.

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Allt byrjaši žetta meš žvķ aš žjóšverjinn August Landmesser veršur įst fanginn af Irmu Eckler sem er Gyšingur.

The source of Landmesser’s protest, like many great tragedies, starts with a love story.

A lone man refusing to do the Nazi salute, 1936


Munum aš fjöldinn fylgdi flokknum til aš fį vinnu, og til aš halda lķfi.

Ekki bętti žaš aš żmsar žjóšir vildu halda Žjóšverjum nišri ķ fįtękt eftir strķšiš 1914 til 1918.


Vilson forseti Bandarķkjanna, kynnti 14 punkta

Leišin til frišar.

klikka, mynd stęrri


 klikka, mynd stęrri


Wilson with his 14 points choosing between competing claims. Babies represent claims of the British, French, Italians, Polish, Russians, and enemy. American political cartoon, 1919.

Žjóšir Evrópu höfšu hina żmsu hagsmuni, og nįšu hugmyndir Vilsons um Žjóšabandalagiš, ekki aš verša aš veruleika.


Fyrsti punktur

Einhver žżši žetta.

  1. Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understandingsof any kind but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view. ….


The story of August Landmesser’s anti-gesture begins, ironically enough, with the Nazi Party. Believing that having the right connections would help land him a job in the pulseless economy, Landmesser joined the Nazi Party in 1931. Little did he know that his heart would soon ruin any progress that his superficial political affiliation might have made. In 1934, Landmesser met Irma Eckler, a Jewish woman, and the two fell deeply in love. Their engagement a year later got him expelled from the party, and their marriage application was denied under the newly enacted racial Nuremberg Laws.

In 1951, the Senate of Hamburg recognized the marriage of August Landmesser and Irma Eckler. 

In 1996, Irene Eckler published the book The Guardianship Documents 1935–1958: Persecution of a Family for “Dishonoring the Race”.

Egilsstašir, 08.12.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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