Democrats Dire Desperation Reveals
That They Know The Super-Storm Is
About To Make Landfall Inside The BeltwayAND IT IS!
To be completed today after we finish storm-proofing our homes and businesses.
In the meantime, it will serve every Patriot well to read the headlines under Recent Post as today will be the biggest day in Alt Media history and tomorrow will surely be bigger. The data dumps, intel drops and info downloads are so radioactive and these are only a few of the known exposés.
Supreme Court of Italy Reveals Who Stole the U.S. Election
Thank you for your understanding, SOTN readers. You all should be out prepping as well, because we are about to enter extremely turbulent and totally unchartered waters, yes?!
And, theres no stopping the tempestuous period of [NECESSARY] turmoil soon to come upon US.
State of the Nation
January 10, 2021
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