On May 27, the Swiss national government banned outpatient use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19. Around June 10, COVID-19 deaths increased four-fold and remained elevated. On June 11, the Swiss government revoked the ban, and on June 23 the death rate reverted to what it had been beforehand.
After six months of evidence gathering more and more frontline doctors are speaking out against the repressive and unscientific approach of policymakers and bureaucrats who, it seems, are hell-bent on only one outcome: a mass mandatory vaccination program rolled out by their friends in Big Pharma. What could possibly go wrong?
A comprehensive answer to that question is found in Murder By Injection'(1988):The Eustace Mullins Warning For Today.
Israels Before & After Proves HCQ Beats COVID19
Written by Elsa Schieder PhD & John O'Sullivan
The Times of Israel reveals an astonishing fact that concerns us all in the battle against the current coronavirus pandemic. The respected newspaper points to that nations mortality data before and after a change in public policy on the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat the symptoms associated with COVID19. That data may be a bitter pill to swallow for fanatical vaccine manufacturers and promoters.
Times of Israel reporter, Barry Shaw, set the stage thus:
Israel congratulated itself on coming through the Wuhan virus pandemic with flying colors. By the end of June, with only 300 plus deaths, we were king of the world. We were allowed to go about our normal daily lives. And then we were hit again. Big time. The death rate rocketed to over 1200.
Shaw then poses the question: what did Israel do differently that could cause this remarkable 400 percent uptick in deaths in this tiny but important middle east country?
And then Shaw concedes the answer:
Local doctors and clinics are being prevented from prescribing a drug that worked before, but is banned now. The drug that dare not speak its name is hydroxychloroquine. Medical experts are forbidden on social media to mention its name. Some have been fired from their professional for daring to suggest that this drug, in combination with others, has saved countless lives.
The banned drug? Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), used successfully to save tens of thousands of lives wherever doctors are free to prescribe it to patients. Independent researcher, Elsa Schieder, PhD, who has followed these developments intently told Principia Scientific International:
The shock and horror isnt just at the number. Its at the likely cause. In the first wave, HCQ was readily available. Now its banned for early use. Why is Israel, like many other countries, doing this? There is huge evidence for the efficacy of HCQ (plus zinc plus antibiotic) when administered early.
Schieder, like many independent analysts, has been monitoring closely how governments worldwide have been managing their response to the twists and turns of the emerging empirical data and the overall picture shows a stubborn resistance against implementing anything other than a holding pattern of lockdowns, social distancing and other restrictive practices until such time as a COVID vaccine is approved and distributed.
The insanity of this approach is exposed by the increasing number of medical professionals who have seen excellent results with hydroxychloroquine, listed by WHO as one of the safest medicines widely available. But whenever doctors attempt to share their promising findings they are attacked and de-platformed.
As Schieder adds:
We saw that about a month ago with the FrontLine Doctors protest when about 600 American doctors, spoke out on this. Their video got 20 million views in two days.
Then it was pulled by Youtube and Facebook. The main spokesperson was fired from her two emergency room positions. All for promoting a medication all the doctors found effective.
It would be logical to immediately try a drug like this on Covid-19, as there are similar symptoms to treat, notably Covids viral storm which causes severe lung inflammation leading to lung damage.
Schieder points to the exceptional work of such doctors who, in the face of demonization and threats from the powers that be continue to use HCQ, especially right away, at the first onset of respiratory symptoms when the evidence shows greatest efficacy. But HCQ is not the only drug showing very good results. Another safe, long-standing medication is budesonide an anti-inflammatory used for pneumonia and asthma.
It would be logical to immediately try such a safe, proven drug like this on Covid-19 to stem the viral storm which causes severe lung inflammation leading to lung damage. Detailed information about this comes from Dr Richard Bartlett, the West Texas doctor who has heralded the effectiveness of budesonide. In his experience, this drug stops the inflammation from happening.
He sees this treatment as a silver bullet for Covid-19. He claims that many patients feel hugely better after even one treatment.
Its an inhaled steroid that doesnt have the side effects of total body steroids but it has the benefits, he said in an interview. Its like putting out a fire at the base of the fire. Im having patients recover so quickly, says Bartlett, who has claimed 100 percent success.
Though Bartlett has suggested his protocol to at least one local hospital, the treatment was not even tried. Why not? The reason given was that there was no proof it would work on hospitalized patients. Of course, had Dr Bartlett waited for proof, he never would have tried the medication on non-hospitalized people.
In fact, Bartlett has never seen the medicine work so well for anything else:
Its like this medicine was made for this pandemic.
Yet this treatment option like HCQ has not been widely tested. Worse, anything other than a promised (and expensive) Big Pharma vaccine is unjustly suppressed or ridiculed.
After six months of evidence gathering more and more frontline doctors are speaking out against the repressive and unscientific approach of policymakers and bureaucrats who, it seems, are hell-bent on only one outcome: a mass mandatory vaccination program rolled out by their friends in Big Pharma. What could possibly go wrong?
A comprehensive answer to that question is found in Murder By Injection'(1988):The Eustace Mullins Warning For Today.
About the authors: Elsa Schieder, PhD obtained her PhD in Psychology, Sociology, Cultural Theory from Concordia University and was a full-time professor at Concordia and CEGEP John Abbott College, Montreal. Now Elsa is Keynote Speaker and Co-Organizer at Essentials of Freedom Convention.
John OSullivanJohn is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI). John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael hockey stick Mann in the science trial of the century. OSullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original Slayers group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the worlds first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.
PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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