Menning, óskir um strįka, kynval gęti leitt til aš 22 milljónir stślkna skorti įriš 2100, er višvörun vķsindamanna. - Cultural preferences - for boys & prenatal sex-selection could lead to loss of 22 MILLION girls by 2100, researchers warn


Menningarlegar óskir - um strįka og kynval fyrir fęšingu gęti leitt til žess aš 22 milljónir stślkna skorti įriš 2100, er višvörun vķsindamanna. 

Cultural preferences - for boys & prenatal sex-selection could lead to loss of 22 MILLION girls by 2100, researchers warn

‘Cultural preferences’ for boys & prenatal sex-selection could lead to loss of 22 MILLION girls by 2100, researchers warn
Vķsindamenn hafa varaš viš žvķ aš karlar muni verša verulega fleiri en konur į nęstu įratugum vegna „menningarlegra óska um drengi og tķšni kynbundinna fóstureyšinga ķ vissum löndum.
Nż rannsókn į hnattręnnum kynjahlutföllum hefur komist aš žeirri nišurstöšu aš ójafnvęgiš gęti stofnaš stöšugleika ķ heiminum ķ hęttu til lengri tķma litiš. Žaš varaši viš žvķ aš lönd meš misjafnt kynjahlutfall viš fęšingu og héldu ķ žessar hefšir, gęti vantaš 4,7 milljóna stślkna įriš 2030 og hugsanlega „misst“ 22 milljónir įriš 2100.

Ķ rannsóknin, sem birt var ķ vķsindatķmaritinu BMJ Global Health, kom ķ ljós aš um žaš bil helmingur hallans var sökum kynvals fyrir fęšingu. Žetta hefur leitt til skekkju kynjahlutfalls ķ nokkrum löndum frį Sušaustur-Evrópu til Sušur- og Austur -Asķu, sķšan į įttunda įratugnum.

EINNIG hefur RT.COMPlaster, og önnur mengunarefni minnkaš getnašarlim og draga śr frjósemi, trufla mannkyniš, fullyršir vķsindamašur.
- Fęrri konur en bśist var viš ķ löndunum gęti leitt til aukinnar andfélagslegrar hegšunar og ofbeldis og aš lokum haft įhrif į stöšugleika og félagslega sjįlfbęra žróun til lengri tķma,- skrifušu höfundarnir.

Įętlanir rannsóknarinnar voru byggšar į gagnagrunni meš yfir žremur milljöršum fęšingaskrįa frį 204 löndum į įrunum 1970 til 2020. Žar var einnig litiš til reynslu landa sem žegar hafa tekist į viš skökk kynjahlutföll, žar į mešal Kķna og Indland.

Aš auki var heildarfjöldi glatašra kvenfęšinga į įrunum 1970 til 2017 įętlašur 45 milljónir - žar af 95% frį Kķna eša Indlandi, löndunum meš flestar įrlegar fęšingar ķ heiminum.
Researchers have warned that men will dramatically outnumber women in the coming decades because of “cultural preferences” for boys and the prevalence of sex-selective abortion in certain countries.

A new study that modelled global sex ratios has concluded that the imbalance could put global stability at risk over the long term. It cautioned that countries with uneven sex ratios at birth could face a “conservative” deficit of 4.7 million girls by 2030 and potentially “lose” 22 million by 2100.

The study, published in the scientific journal BMJ Global Health, found that prenatal sex selection was to blame for about half of the deficit. This has led to skewed sex ratios in several countries across Southeast Europe to South and East Asia since the 1970s.

“Fewer-than-expected females in a population could result in elevated levels of anti-social behaviour and violence, and may ultimately affect long-term stability and social sustainable development,” the authors wrote.

The study’s projections were based on a database of over three billion birth records from 204 countries between 1970 and 2020. It also looked at the experiences of countries already dealing with skewed sex ratios, including China and India.


In addition, the total number of “missing” female births between 1970 and 2017 was estimated at 45 million – 95% of which were from China or India, the countries with the largest numbers of annual births in the world. 

Twins peak: Number of twins being born globally is higher than ever, researchers say
Tvķburar nį hįmarki: Fjöldi tvķbura sem fęšast į heimsvķsu er meiri en nokkru sinni fyrr, segja vķsindamenn.

Rannsakendur halda žvķ fram aš žetta muni verša afgangur af ungum körlum hjį meira en žrišjungi jaršarbśa til lengri tķma litiš og leiša til „óžekktra félagslegra og efnahagslegra įhrifa į žau lönd sem verša fyrir žessu.

Ein af hugsanlegum afleišingum kynjahlutfalls sem er skekkt gagnvart körlum er „hjónabandsžröng“ - žar sem margir karlar geta ekki gift sig vegna žess aš žaš eru ekki nęgar konur. Rannsakendur vörušu viš žvķ aš „tafarlausar ašgeršir“ vęru naušsynlegar ķ löndum meš „įframhaldandi breytingar į kynjahlutfalli“ til aš taka į žessu vandamįli.

Rannsóknin benti einnig į aš skilningur į hugsanlegri žróun kynjajafnvęgis viš fęšingu vęri „naušsynlegur“ til aš sjį fyrir og skipuleggja breytingar į kynskipulagi um allan heim.

Samkvęmt rannsókninni var bśist viš žvķ aš nokkur Afrķkurķki sunnan Sahara, Nķgerķa og Pakistan hefšu skakkt kynjahlutfall į nęstu įrum.

Hins vegar bentu vķsindamenn į aš rétt kynjahlutfall viš fęšingu vęri lķklegt til aš koma į stöšugleika og minnka innan tveggja įratuga ķ löndum sem nś hafa skašleg įhrif į kynjajafnvęgi viš fęšingu.

Samt sögšu höfundarnir aš mįliš kallaši į vķštękari lagaramma til aš tryggja jafnrétti kynjanna.

The researchers claim this will create a surplus of young men in more than a third of the world’s population over the long term, and lead to “unknown social and economic impacts on the affected countries.”

One of the potential consequences of a sex ratio skewed towards men is “marriage squeeze” – where many men cannot marry because there are not enough women. The researchers warned that “immediate actions” were needed in countries with “ongoing sex ratio transitions” to address this problem.

As well, the study noted that understanding the potential evolution of sex imbalances at birth was “essential” for anticipating and planning for changes in sex structures across the world. 

According to the study, several sub-Saharan African countries, Nigeria and Pakistan were expected to have skewed sex ratios in the coming years.

However, the researchers suggested that the sex ratio at birth was most likely to stabilize and decline within two decades in countries currently affected by sex imbalances at birth.

Still, the authors said the issue called for “broader legal frameworks to ensure gender equality.”  



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    2 days ago
    We have already seen this play out with China's one child only policy in the past. The results were that brides had to be imported from abroad. If this happens worldwide, however, I can see two consequences: a drastic global population reduction, as it is the number of women, regardless of the number of men, which determines birth rates. Another predictable result will be an increase in violence and murder, as men are likely to engage in fights for the few available women. Another foreseeable consequence will be that the wealthy elite will still be able to reproduce, while the poor masses will be less likely to find brides, a luxury they may not be able to afford. Never a good idea to mess with nature.
    2 days ago
    Good news for the nature.
    • 2 days ago
      Replying to disha malik
      If it were not for nature (your mother?) you wouldn't be here making silly comments.
    2 days ago
    This drop in girls birth may will create a vacuum that will benefit some groups to happily offer themselves to fill the demand.
    2 days ago
    Could, potential, estimated- fear porn!!!
    2 days ago
    B ones need to be Sterilized
  • 2 days ago
    It's a problem for the world, but not a problem for the West. They are doing fine with men pretending to be women. They are even competing in women's sports.
    2 days ago
    but wait, I thought we didnt have any gender anymore?
  • 2 days ago
    It is a very serious problem here in India.
    3 August, 2021
    This doesn't matter in the slightest. A recently published forty year study of male sp3rm counts worldwide, shows that by 2045 men will not be able to fertilize eggs. That is if it continues to decline at the current rate, and does not accelerate. So by 2100 we will be lucky to have any children, let alone females.
    • 3 August, 2021
      Replying to John Garrity
      Yep! The consequenses of "forever chemicals" and "COVID vaccines". Not have a high impact on the reproductive systems.
      • 2 days ago
        Replying to Rondai
        "beyond meat" and nut "milk"--no nutritional value. men become impotent and women infertile. all part of the plan.
    • 2 days ago
      Replying to John Garrity
      the anti-natalists are celebrating while pushing the vegan diet which makes men effeminate anyway.
  • 3 August, 2021
    Given the rate at which Globalists are acting to destroy humanity & the planet, I don't think we will make it to 2100.
    3 August, 2021
    This has been going on for years in certain cultures; the thing is they don’t seem to realise that by doing this there will be no wives for their sons in the future.
    • 2 days ago
      Replying to Enki’s Daughter
      i think maybe they do realize....
    • 3 August, 2021
      Replying to Enki’s Daughter
      Were that the only problem, it would self adjust naturally. But those "excess" males will seek [reference to female part self censored under virtual duress] elsewhere, and elsewhere means here.
    • 2 days ago
      Replying to Enki’s Daughter
      Yet females still outnumber and outlive males. Possibly ancients knew something that we don't when it comes to Gender.
      2 days ago
      Replying to Enki’s Daughter
      pretty short-sighted and misogynistic, huh?
      3 August, 2021
      Replying to Enki’s Daughter
      (((Shoellywood))) has the solution!
  • 3 August, 2021
    Plastic release estrogens, feminizing males of many species--and sometimes creating problems with sexual identity. Additionally, bust sizes have increased dramatically for the same reason. Yet, we continue favor plastics for drinking and eating containers. Good for the oil industry; interesting side effects for the rest of us. Have an interesting child and life.
      3 August, 2021
      Replying to Stormyswan1
      Bust sizes increased because of plastics? Not just good for the oil industry, it's also very good for me.
    • 2 days ago
      Replying to Stormyswan1
      not to mention SOY.
  • 3 August, 2021
    “unknown social and economic impacts on the affected countries.” Really? They are all crossing the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe as we speak.
  • 3 August, 2021
    Men can just switch to being girls, no biggie. We've all seen the Olympics, pull the other one.
    • 2 days ago
      Replying to sarrsaets
      that's the general idea...eliminate gender differences to the highest degree possible and lower the age of consent. these people are seriously twisted.
    3 August, 2021
    This practice is common in Canada among the various Asian disaporas.
    3 August, 2021
    Good news for the environment less people, it will be the best way , to try to beat nature for changing the climate.
  • 3 August, 2021
    Quite a few boys prefer other boys, so probably not a problem. Girls might like being a bit more in demand.
    3 August, 2021
    The West will tackle the gender imbalance by "encouraging" more males to transition to being "Females". (The soy boys are half-way there already)

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