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Það voru fleiri dauðsföll af völdum krabbameins og hjartasjúkdóma í Michigan en Covid hvar er skelfingin vegna þeirra?!
There were more Cancer and Heart Disease deaths in Michigan than Covidwheres the panic about those?!
Posted on June 16, 2021 by State of the Nation
PDeaths reported to the Michigan Vital Records office may be delayed by 7 days. Verifying the cause of death, and processing the records from adminstrative records may further delay the reports of deaths for statistical purposes.The deaths shown in the deaths columns will be lower than the actual yeartodate total.
Most causes of deaths are not coded immediately after the original death was reported. Lowers counts of specific causes of death for more recent months should be considered a result of delayed coding, not a reduction in the counts of deaths themselves. COVID19 death coding is expedited, and counts may be more complete in comparison to other causes of death.
The underlying cause of death is the condition giving rise to the chain of events leading to death. Starting January 1, 1999, the underlying causes of death were classified in accordance with the Tenth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD10), a coding structure developed by the World Health Organization.
Cancer deaths were classified using ICD10 codes C00C97.
Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases deaths were classified using ICD10 codes J40J47.
Heart Disease deaths were classified using ICD10 codes I00I09,I11,I13,I20I51.
Between 19992008, influenza and pneumonia deaths were classified using ICD10 codes J10J18. Starting in 2009, Pneumonia and Influenza deaths were classified using ICD10 codes J09J18.
Septicemia deaths were classified using ICD10 codes A40A41.9.
Stroke deaths were classified using ICD10 codes I60I69.
COVID19 deaths were classified using ICD10 U07.1 as underlying cause of death.
Source: Michigan 202021 Death File, Extracted June 15, 2021 . Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.
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← Eric Clapton Speaks Out About Covid and His Vaccine Experience (Video)
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