Category: Did You Know?
The Died Suddenly Pandemic Athletes worldwide are coincidentally dropping like flies since the Covid-19 Vaccine roll-out

Sport stars and athletes all around the world are suddenly suffering health issues or dropping dead since the experimental Covid-19 injection was rolled-out, adding further fuel to the rumours that the world [ ]
Bill Gates has major shares in both Pfizer and Moderna but he is also a Primary Funder of the UK Medicine Regulator, and this is the reason Children are now dying

Deaths among children in the UK are currently significantly higher than the five-year-average since they were offered the Covid-19 injection, and now an investigation strongly suggests they are being given this injection [ ]
Pfizers Clinical Trial data strongly indicates their Covid-19 Vaccine causes the recipient to develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

I have discovered some extremely concerning findings in the Pfizer Phase I-II-III clinical trial data. The Sepsis death rate in the 21,926 double vaccinated group of the Pfizer Phase III Clinical trial [ ]
Swedish Doctors Want Pfizers Covid-19 Vaccine Banned After Subcontractor Fraud Exposed

As we have previously reported, a Pfizer subcontractor is being accused of falsifying data, unblinding patients, hiring inadequately trained vaccinators, and failing to follow up on reported adverse reactions during the companys [ ]
Director-General of the WHO confirms Vaccine Passports are discriminatory, Children should not be given the Covid-19 Vaccine, and the Jabs are useless at preventing infection and spread of Covid-19

Footage has emerged of the Director-General of the World Health Organization speaking with the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, in which he clearly states that the WHO does not recommend Vaccine Passports [ ]
Austrian Brothel Offering Free 30-Minute Sex Session For Clients if They Get Covid-19 Vaccine On-Site

As a disturbing incentive to coerce more people to get the Covid vaccines, a brothel in Vienna, Austria, is offering those who get jabbed onsite a 30-minute free sex session. Funpalast brothel [ ]
83% of Covid-19 Deaths and 67% of Hospitalisations were among the Fully Vaccinated during the past month in England

The latest figures published by the new UK Health Security Agency on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths show that the Covid-19 injections still dont seem to be working. The Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance [ ]
Egilsstaðir, 15.11.2021 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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