Ablind clairvoyant who is said to have predicted many events in the past has given an insight into her terrifying 2023 predictions. Baba Vanga claimed to have visions during her lifetime after she went blind as a child. She lost her sight in deadly storm where she was swept off her homeland in Bulgaria, causing a large amount of sand to get into her eyes. Nicknamed the 'Nostradamus of the Balkans', her visions are said to be 85 percent correct and include the Chernobyl tragedy, the death of Princess Diana and the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
Árið 2022 virtust tvær af spám Baba Vanga rætast þar sem hún hafði séð fyrir vatnstengda hörmungar í formi flóða og þurrka, segir í Mirror.
Mörg lönd, þar á meðal England, urðu fyrir þurrkum yfir sumarið á meðan Ástralía og Asía urðu fyrir miklum flóðum.
Þrátt fyrir krefjandi árið 2022 fyrir marga, er næsta spá Baba Vanga full af frekari hörmungum.
The mystic passed away in 1996 at the age of 84, however, her prophecies live on.
In 2022, two of Baba Vanga's predictions seemingly came true as she had foreseen water-related tragedies in the form of floods and droughts, reports the Mirror.
Many countries, including England, experienced droughts over the summer, while Australia and Asia experienced intense floods.
Despite a challenging 2022 for many, Baba Vanga's next forecast is full of further doom and gloom.
Baba Vanga hafði sýn sem sá að hún spáði því að líffræðileg árás yrði gerð af þróuðu landi.
Þessi spá virðist tengjast núverandi stríði Rússlands og Úkraínu þar sem Vladimír Pútín Rússlandsforseti hefur áður hótað Úkraínu kjarnorkuárás.
Ef þessi spá rætist gæti þetta leitt til gereyðingar og haft hörmulegar afleiðingar fyrir þá í Úkraínu.
Sýklavopnasamningur Sameinuðu þjóðanna hefur bannað slíkar tilraunir. Hins vegar er talið að nokkur lönd séu leynilega þátt í að búa til þessi banvænu vopn.
Baba Vanga had a vision which saw her predict that a biological attack will be launched by a developed country.
This prediction seems to relate to the current Russia-Ukraine war as Russian president Vladimir Putin has previously threatened Ukraine with a nuclear attack.
If this prediction comes true, this could result in mass destruction and have disastrous consequences for those in Ukraine.
The Biological Weapons Convention of the United Nations has banned such experiments. However, several countries are believed to be secretly engaged in the creation of these deadly weapons.
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Auk þessa spáði blindi dulspekingurinn sólarflóðbylgju þar sem segulskjöldur jarðar verður banvænn eytt. Sólstormarnir gætu valdið straumleysi og samskiptatruflunum.
Baba Vanga sá líka heim hulinn myrkri í kjölfar innrásar geimvera þar sem hún spáði því að braut jarðar gæti breytst. Þetta gæti leitt til þess að loftslag á jörðinni breytist verulega.
Orkuver gæti séð mikla sprengingu sem gæti leitt til þess að eitruð ský mynduðust yfir Asíu.
Baba Vanga spáði því að önnur lönd gætu orðið fyrir áhrifum af sprengingunni vegna útbreiðslu alvarlegra sjúkdóma þar sem eiturskýin fylla loftið.
As well as this, the blind mystic predicted a solar tsunami where the Earth's magnetic shield will be fatally destroyed. The solar storms could cause blackouts and communication failures.
Baba Vanga also saw a world covered in darkness following an alien invasion as she predicted the Earth's orbit could "change". This could lead to the climate on Earth drastically changing.
A power plant could see a huge explosion which could lead to toxic clouds forming over Asia.
Baba Vanga predicted that other countries could be affected by the explosion due to a spread of serious diseases as the toxic clouds fill the air.
Egilsstaðir, 31.12.2022 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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