Ivermectin has been tested for efficacy in treating shingles several in the past, however there is limited information about this available online. Studies show that Ivermectin can be used in conjunction with other medicines to help with shingles, and even lupus a disease which causes sufferers to be more likely to show symptoms of herpes zoster (shingles). Our particular research is focused specifically on treating shingles that has occurred as a reaction to vaccination, however. Hydroxychloroqine is also often administered to patients to help them with the aforementioned conditions.
If you are already taking hydroxychloroquine we highly recommend combining it with a high dosage of zinc, as this should improve the efficacy and benefits of the medicine.
Due to the large amount of people suffering from shingles and other skin conditions post vaccination, we have been testing Ivermectin treatment in combination with a variety of vitamins and amino acids on people with shingles, using this detox protocol. If you are suffering from herpes zoster or ANY skin condition as a side effect of the jab, we highly recommend following the above detox protocol for a week, and then once every two weeks ongoing for the several months following at least, and you should see an improvement in the condition quite quickly.
As you can see here, we have successfully treated people for shingles using the aforementioned protocol. While we have only posted one case study about shingles on that page, we have treated many more people for the same or similar skin conditions and we are highly confident that our detox protocol can help anyone else suffering from shingles post-jab.

A Review of Studies that Support Ivermectins Anti-Viral Efficacy
Yang et al. (2020) performed a study to investigate the broad-spectrum antiviral properties of Ivermectin. The authors found that Ivermectin targets the host nuclear transport importin α/β1 heterodimer and may have potential as a treatment for a range of viral infections.
In conclusion, the available evidence suggests that Ivermectin has broad-spectrum antiviral properties and may be effective against a range of viral infections, including shingles caused by the herpes zoster virus. Further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms by which Ivermectin exerts its antiviral effects and to determine its potential as a treatment for shingles and other viral infections.
How Does This Detox Protocol Work for Shingles?
While this is a new area of science for everyone, as these vaccines specifically the mRNA ones, but also the non-mRNA ones too are experimental and very new, we do not yet fully understand the mechanism as to why these medicines are so effective in stopping the replication of the spike protein within the body.
However we can see from many studies they definitely do work, and we believe that because the medicines stop the body producing the toxic spike protein; which the mRNA vaccines cause your body to create within it, this also helps the body heal itself from side effects of the vaccines.
We are using this protocol to help people with all sorts of ailments, and since there are plenty of these, as outlined in Pfizers own documentation, theyve shown themselves to be highly useful for treatment from paralysis to hair-loss.
Shingles is just a symptom just like most, if not all, other side effects of a weakened or compromised immune system. By treating the root cause of the weakened immune system (your body attacking itself as it created the toxic spike protein), the body can naturally fight back against the shingles virus, which in turn will heal the skin and give the body a chance to heal.
Treatment Length
Doctors and researchers have stated that the body continues to make the spike protein internally for AT LEAST 1.5 years. While this is a long time to be taking a fortnightly dose of medicine (after the initial week of daily dosing) it is better than the alternative, which is to relapse back into poor health and weakened immunity.
People who are suffering as a result of the vaccine must change their lifestyles dramatically, as soon as possible, to give them the best chance of recovering from these horrible afflictions. We recommend fasting regularly alongside the ongoing treatment regiment to give the best chance of success with treatment.

How Long Does it Take for Improvements to be Seen?
In our experience treating patients, improvements in condition less itching, redness and decrease in scabbing etc. can be seen within just a few days of treatment. Since the body is constantly creating the toxic spike protein however, it is possible that the shingles may come back if treatment is stopped too soon.
The good news is that the effect of the vaccines should naturally detox slowly over time as long as the body has the opportunity to heal so as time goes on the creation of the spike protein likely decreases within the body.
Zhang, X., Cai, J., Wu, Y., Li, X., Zhang, X., Li, Z., & Chen, Z. (2020). The broad-spectrum antiviral ivermectin targets the host nuclear transport importin α/β1 heterodimer. Cell research, 30(4), 309-323. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0166354219307211
Kinobe, R. T., & Owens, L. (n.d.). A systematic review of experimental evidence for antiviral effects of ivermectin and an in silico analysis of ivermectins possible mode of action against SARS-CoV-2. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/fcp.12644
Mastrangelo, E., Pezzullo, M., De Burghgraeve, T., Kaptein, S., Pastorino, B., Dallmeier, K., & Milani, M. (2012). Ivermectin is a potent inhibitor of flavivirus replication specifically targeting NS3 helicase activity: new prospects for an old drug. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 67(8), 1884-1894. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22535622/
Yang, S. N. Y., Atkinson, S. C., Wang, C., Lee, A., Bogoyevitch, M. A., Borg, N. A., & Jans, D. A. (2020). The broad spectrum antiviral ivermectin targets the host nuclear transport importin α/β1 heterodimer. Antiviral Research, 177, 104760. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32135219/
If you are interested in this topic you may also be interested in reading about using Ivermectin for cancer treatment or Ivermectin for chronic spontaneous urticaria (hives).
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