CNN skáldar fréttir segir blaðakonan, og tekur undir með Trump. Hver á olíuna, og þá peningana, og þá fyrirtækin, og þá fjölmiðlana, og þá New World Order, og þá embættismannakerfið?

CNN skáldar fréttir, segir blaðakonan, og tekur undir með Trump

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Þessi gluggi vill að ég setji inn hjá mér, innstall uppdate, Ég vona að sé ekki í ónáð hjá Internet explorer og Google crome.

Þarna er sagt frá fréttakonu, sem send var frá CNN til Bahrein.

Hver á olíuna, og þá peningana, og þá fyrirtækin, og þá fjölmiðlana, og þá New World Order, og þá embættismannakerfið?

Hér ættu að koma slóðir af blogginu mínu.


Former CNN Reporter Exposes the Truth – OBAMA PAID THEM TO LIE


... The CNN reporter who blew the lid on this issue was none other than Amber Lyon, formerly employed by CNN and an “award winning reporter.” Yesterday, Lyon “blew the cover” on the network’s suspicious business practices.


Lyon claims that CNN “is paid by the U.S. government for reporting on some events, and not reporting on others.” Lyon also told us that the network is a tool for the Obama Administration to manipulate the information the American Public gets to see.

Lyon claims that Obama has been controlling what we know through CNN, her former employer.

Lyon’s findings suggesting that the network acted as an information filter for the Obama Whitehouse has confirmed the suspicions of many that government corruption reaches far into supposedly non government sectors of America.

A few years ago, Lyon was interviewed by Joe Rogan, and revealed some very shocking testimony concerning her reporting of the 2011 Arab Spring Protests in Bahrain.

During Lyon’s interview with Joe Rogan, she explained that she and another female colleague were part of a 4 person team sent by CNN to Bahrain in 2011. Arriving in Bahrain, Lyon noticed something very odd- the United States government had been supplying over $1 billion worth in weaponry- including tear gas- to the oppressive Bahraini regime looking to suppress popular protests in the country. ...


Egilsstaðir, 30.01.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Bloggfærslur 30. janúar 2017


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