More than 30,000 scientists say “Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming” is a complete hoax and a lie based on ZERO scientific evidence

Climate change (global warming)Posted 11 months ago under Uncategorized


The year 2014, according to global warming proponents, was supposed to be the hottest year ever on Planet Earth, bringing with it horrible natural calamities all caused by billions of humans flogging natural resources and living irresponsibly. There was supposed to be a huge melt-off of sea ice in Antarctica, but conversely there was record sea ice there, so much that a global warming expedition ended up getting their boat stuck. Even Arctic sea ice increased, and the Great lakes only had three ice free months the whole year. Across the globe, record snowfall was experienced, as climate change activists and the mass media tried their best NOT to cover these anti-warming “events.” Record cold days were recorded instead of record heat days. Al Gore was proven by Mother Nature to be completely wrong all along. (1)

As stated by the Health Ranger, Mike Adams: “The following charts show you something that most climate change proponents have simply never seen: The true history of CO2 level variation and global temperature variation throughout Earth’s known history. This first chart reveals how atmospheric CO2 was at nearly 7000 ppm in the Cambrian period, over 4000 ppb during the Devonian period, over 2500 ppm during the Jurassic period and has plummeted to nearly its lowest point in Earth’s history today, at around 400 ppm. At the same time, Earth’s average global temperature has gone through several cycles, varying roughly from 12 C to 22 C, and it currently stands at nearly its lowest average point in Earth’s history.”

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Even the oceans have been rising much less than predicted by the alarmists and the globalists, who have been spreading propaganda right and left across the media, especially every time there is any severe weather event. In fact, Al Gore predicted the oceans would swallow up coastlines within the century, after rising upwards of twenty feet, yet tide gauges show little to no rise in sea level at all, and none over the past twenty years. The Polar bears are doing just fine, and moose in Minnesota are making their comeback (despite wolves killing them and previously endangering their species). (2)


More than 30,000 scientists say “Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming” is a complete hoax and a lie based on ZERO scientific evidence ...


Egilsstaðir, 15.07.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Bloggfærslur 15. júlí 2017


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