Hvar eru forustumennirnir, konurnar, karlarnir? Aðeins konurnar geta bjargað Evrópu. Karlinn heldur að hann sé svo merkilegur að konurnar verði að herma eftir honum, og klifra upp í staur og gala. Þjóðirnar koma í gegn um konurnar.

Konurnar eru þjóðin. Ef konurnar virka ekki, þá er engin þjóð.

READ: Muslim takeover of Europe is ‘biggest story of our time’ and nobody knows it.

Steyn argued that most of Western Europe is already in the death throes of “demographic suicide” because couples are not having enough children to replace the population.

Birthrates of most European countries are well below the 2.1 children per couple needed to maintain a population.

Steyn pointed out how a thriving Muslim population in Western Europe is well on its way to filling all the empty spaces. 

Steyn explained how given the divergent birth rate between Muslims and post-Christian secularists, it will take only two generations for the current Muslim population (sitting at about 10 percent) to have as many grandchildren as post-Christian secularists (who currently make up the other 90 percent). 

This is due, he said, to Muslims having on average 3.5 children per couple compared to post-Christian secularists who have only 1.3 children per couple. 

“People think this is a slow process…It happens very fast. The catching up is well under way,” he said.

Steyn said that the takeover of Western Europe by Muslims is “not a prediction.” He noted that some elementary schools, such as in Antwerp, Belgium, already have a majority of Muslim students. 

“Nobody is predicting anything. We’re talking about who are the kids in the grade school right now, which means they are going to be the guys entering the workforce in fifteen years time,” he said.

“That’s not a prediction. We’re not looking at trends. We’re looking at the actual warm bodies sitting in the elementary classes now,” he added. 

Egilsstaðir, 23.08.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Bloggfærslur 23. ágúst 2017


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