Almenningur er blekktur og afvegaleiddur af áfengisiðnaðinum um tengslin við banvæna sjúkdóma - líkt og við afneitun tóbaksiðnaðarins á skaðsemi tóbaks. Lauslega endursagt.


Cancer cover-up? Alcohol industry accused of mass deception

Published time: 8 Sep, 2017 15:59

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The public is being deceived and misled by the alcohol industry over links to deadly diseases – in an industry scandal scientists compare to denials made by Tobacco companies in recent history.

Drinkers are unaware of the frighteningly real risks facing them, according to the authors of a study suggesting the associated risks of alcohol have been “distorted or misrepresented” in nine out of 10 websites and publications funded by the alcohol lobby.

Researchers have claimed about four percent of new cancer cases annually in the UK can be traced back to alcohol consumption – which is now an established risk. ...

Egilsstaðir, 09.09.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

 Almenningur er blekktur og afvegaleiddur af áfengisiðnaðinum um tengslin við banvæna sjúkdóma - líkt og við afneitun tóbaksiðnaðarins á skaðsemi tóbaks. Lauslega endursagt.


Bloggfærslur 8. september 2017


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