Scalar energy Travel faster than the speed of light. Seem to transcend space and time. Cause the molecular structure of water to become coherently reordered. Positively increase immune function in mammals. Are involved in the formation process in nature.

Scalar energy 

Nicola Tesla


… Technically speaking, scalar waves have magnitude but no direction, since they are imagined to be the result of two electromagnetic waves that are 180 degrees out of phase with one another, which leads to both signals being canceled out. This results in a kind of ‘pressure wave’. …

... One important discovery states that there are many different types of scalar waves, not just those of the electromagnetic variety. For example, there are vital scalar waves (corresponding with the vital or “qi” body), emotional scalar waves, mental scalar waves, causal scalar waves, and so forth. In essence, as far as we are aware, all “subtle” energies are made up of various types of scalar waves. …

Some general properties of scalar waves (of the beneficial kind) include:

  • Travel faster than the speed of light.
  • Seem to transcend space and time.
  • Cause the molecular structure of water to become coherently reordered.
  • Positively increase immune function in mammals.
  • Are involved in the formation process in nature.

Not all scalar waves, or subtle energies, are beneficial to living systems.

Electromagnetism of the 60 Hz AC variety, for example, emanates a secondary longitudinal/scalar wave that is typically detrimental to living systems. iAwake’s biofield technology effectively cancels this detrimental wave and transmutes it into a beneficial wave.


Fatima and Third Secret Exposé 8/11: Putin’s Warning Full Speech (2016); He Mentions “New Weapon”

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Christus Rex

Published on Aug 27, 2016


We underestimate the seriousness of the world situation. Putin Warns. Also, in our day, nuclear weaponry might not be the weapon humanity should fear the most… This video includes the full warning speech from President Vladimir Putin given in 2016 and 2007. He discusses missile defense systems, nuclear warheads, and the arms race between the United States and Russia. One notable exclamation he made at one point in his talk was, “Do you think I’m not familiar with their strategies? Ha!” Towards the end of his talk he talks about a “new weapon” that Russia has developed over the years. He says, “So that it is clear to all that ‘yes there is an anti-missile defense system [in Europe] – but as it relates to Russia, it is entirely pointless because we have a weapon that can simply nullify it. This is the path we are going to take. It works out cheaper for us. But in no way is this ‘aggression against the United States’. I fully mirror your behavior when you say that your anti-missile defense system ‘is not targeted against us’ – then our new weapon is ‘not targeted against you’ either!” Considering that for most of his talk, Putin was primarily talking about conventional weaponry, including nuclear weapons, in talking about this “new weapon” towards the end of his talk, logically it must be some sort of advanced weaponry that would not be considered “conventional”. It is very possible that what Putin is referring to by “new weapon” is what other Russian officials have hinted at over the years and which is very likely Nikola-Tesla-based weaponry using scalar energy. Then there is a clip of Fr. Malachi Martin, Ph.D., where he explains that Lucifer wants the destruction of the human race and will use any means (nuclear radiation too) to destroy the human race (12:56). He explains that God will allow godless humanity to fall into such desolation that they will realize that they need God and that if they don’t turn toward Him, humanity will commit global suicide. He also explicitly admits on the Art Bell Show that “the annihilation of nations is also predicted in the Third Secret of Fatima.” Please like, comment, subscribe! And most importantly: PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH OTHERS! The next video in the series (Part 9) is here: Click on the links below to also see the other parts of this Fatima and Third Secret Exposé video series:

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