Fróšleikur um Lemśrķu og Atlantis, 1. Root Race, ethereal, ljósvaka, 12 miljón įr FK - 2. Root Race, Lemuria 10 miljón įr FK - 3. Root Race, Atlantis 200 žśsund įr FK - 4. Root Race, Adam og Eva, 12 žśsund įr FK - 5. Root Race ???

Gott aš hafa į bakviš eyraš, aš taka žetta meš ķ matiš žitt žegar žś veltir vöngum ķ lķfinu, og metur og skapar heiminn.

Andinn fer nišur ķ efniš, og lęrir aš vera sjįlf, og aš vinna śt frį miš punkti.

Žį lęrir andinn, aš vera ekki alltaf allstašar og hvergi, og lęrir aš stķra einbeitingu.

Žaš er hęgt aš endurbęta Adam og Evu, nśtķmamanninn, svo aš hann geti nżst andanum ķ nęstu Adam og Evu mun betur.


Atlantean Hall of Records Location Hidden From the Public for Centuries

Birt 6. des. 2017

These records record the history before the destruction of Atlantis and a record also of fleeing survivors who established a civilization in Egypt and Mexico as well as much more. This is thought to be around 11000 BC. According to Cayce there were three Halls, one is under the waters near the Bahamian island of Bimini, another is underground near the Sphinx in Giza, Egypt, and the one we are most interested in is beneath a temple in the Mayan lands. The three record caches contain stone tablets, linens, gold, and artifacts of import to the cultures that created them. He indicates that mummified bodies are buried with the records. In another reading he actually stated that there are exactly “thirty-two tablets or plates” in the Egyptian hall of records. These tablets will require interpretation, and this interpretation will take some time. Let’s hope it does not take as long as the interpretation of the Dead Sea Scrolls of the Qumran caves.

Žetta er fróšlegt, og gott aš hafa į bakviš eyraš, žį į ég viš aš žś ferš aš taka žetta meš ķ matiš žitt žegar žś veltir vöngum ķ lķfinu, og metur og skapar heiminn.

Nś er andinn, sköpunarandinn, aš teygja sig ķ įtt aš kjarnanum, eins og Nikola Tesla sagši, til aš skapa Adam og Evu nśmer 2, žaš er The Root Race nśmer 5.

The Divine Source

Andinn fer nišur ķ efniš, og lęrir aš vera sjįlf, og aš vinna śt frį miš punkti.

Žį lęrir andinn, aš vera ekki alltaf allstašar og hvergi, og lęrir aš stķra einbeitingu.

Žaš er hęgt aš endurbęta Adam og Evu, nśtķmamanninn, svo aš hann geti nżst andanum ķ nęstu Adam og Evu mun betur.

Róbótinn, ef til vill er hann kominn lengra inn ķ efniš, en žar vantar okkur skilning.

Ég mį ekki vera aš žessu nśna, en žś įtt aš lesa, horfa į žetta. Ég las enskar og ķslenskar bękur um Edgar Cayce, fyrst fyrir 60 til 70 įrum, og kannast žvķ viš efniš.

Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment ...

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Egilsstašir, 20.03.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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