Ķ žaš minnsta 600 stofnfrumu ašgeršar stöšvar ķ Bandarķkjunum, bjóša stofnfrumu ašgeršir, į yfir eitt hundraš žśsund sjśklingum, aš tališ er. Er žaš ósatt, aš borga žurfi tvo til fjóra milljarša dollara til aš fį samžykki yfirvalda į mešali, ašferš?


Majo Clinic, frekar FDA, gerir stofnfrumu mešferš į hnjįm, og fęr óvęntar nišurstöšur, aš mér skilst, žęr virka. Verš ķ Mayo ķ Rochester, 584.644 kr ķ Bruno ķ Tékklandi, 1.600.000 kr. Ekki endilega samskonar ašgerš, og taka tillit til gengis mismunar.


Žaš eru aš minsta kosti 600 stofnfrumu ašgeršar stöšvar ķ Bandarķkjunum, sem bjóša hinar żmsu stofnfrumu ašgeršir, į yfir 100.000, eitt hundraš žśsund sjśklingum, aš tališ er 

  ... there are at least 600 stem cell clinics in the U.S. offering one form of stem cell therapy or another to an estimated 100,000-plus patients, ...



Viš lįtum okkar lękna hafa nżja tękni og greišum kostnaš viš žaš sem er tekiš śr notkun.

Einnig greišum viš fyrir žjįlfun, ķ nżrri žekkingu eins og til dęmis fyrir stofnfrumu ašgeršir


Žarna er veriš aš skoša hvernig žetta virkar, og gęti veriš nišurgreitt. Apr 6, 2017

Stofnfrumu ašgerš į hné.

Kostnašur, 4.650 dollara, eša 584.644 krónur


Ég var bśinn aš heyra frį Tékklandi, Bruno, 1.600.000 krónur.

Žetta sżnist vera hvorutveggja, stofnfrumu ašgerš į hné, og gęti veriš mismunandi ašferšir, og gengis mismunur į milli landa.



Mayo Clinic Connect



Cost of stem cell therapy at Mayo


Posted by @talan, Apr 6, 2017

I am having stem cell therapy on my left knee tomorrow.

I did not realize Mayo was doing this already.

For those of you who have had this done at Mayo, what was the cost?

If you wanted to be part of the research, how do you get into that?


$4650 = 584.644 kr

Posted by LynetteGable @lynettegable, Fri, Apr 7, 2017 1:28am

I had stem cells and PRP done at Mayo in Rochester last fall.

It was done by Dr. Smith.

Total cost was $4650 which included additional injection.

I was not eligible for the trial as i have too many other health problems.

Dr Smith is in charge of a FDA trial regarding stem cells in knees.

You can find the trial information on the Mayo website.

Dr. Smith and his staff are excellent in providing information and answers to questions

Liked by John, Volunteer Mentor, Teresa, Volunteer Mentor, Justin McClanahan, EES1


By Kevin Punsky

Mayo Clinic finds surprising results on first-ever test of stem cell therapy to treat arthritis

December 6, 2016



Setja ķ bing.com til dęmis, mayo clinic knee stem cell

Egilsstašir, 28.11.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


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