Dr Zelenko calls hydroxychloroquine opposers 'guilty of mass murder' - COVID CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY? John Ziegler Goes Viral Over Lockdown; CA Mayor


Dr Zelenko calls hydroxychloroquine opposers 'guilty of mass murder'

YouTube removes video claiming 'community guidelines violation'.

Mordechai Sones , 05/07/20 15:42


Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

As the COVID-19 treatment Hydroxychloroquine continues to be portrayed by mainstream media as an unsuccessful, dangerous drug, Vladimir Zelenko, MD has been saving his patients lives with his “Zelenko Protocol” since March.

In his first interview since his HCQ study was officially released, Zelenko talks about how he developed his protocol, the attack against the drug, and how his letter to the President might have changed history.

Hydroxychloroquine coverage begins at 38:30; Zelenko interview begins at 41:41


COVID CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY? John Ziegler Goes Viral Over Lockdown; CA Mayor



Egilsstaðir, 27.09.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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