Sýnishorn af því, sem verið er að kenna okkur á veraldarvefnum. Við skoðum það, með opnum huga. - HOLLUSTA ? -

Your Hair Will Grow As Crazy Your Vision Will Be As Eagle Take Three Tablespoons Daily a Miracle





Egilsstaðir, 27.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Sýnishorn af því, sem verið er að kenna okkur á veraldarvefnum. Við skoðum það, með opnum huga.

Hyggja að. Hér þarf einhvern, með þekkingu á málefninu. ""Putting only a single gallon of this superfuel in your tank And driving 42,325 miles before having to stop.""

Svona grein getur verið skrifuð til að draga að lesendur, hlutabréfa kaupendur.

Athugasemdirnar, eru neðan við greinina, og aðilar virðast vantrúaðir.

46 Comments on "This Breakthrough “Superfuel” is 1,693X More Powerful Than Gasoline"


The 5 Psychological Reasons You Can’t Resist Clickbait
We all shop at the curiosity gap.



Hér þarf einhvern, með þekkingu á málefninu.


This Breakthrough “Superfuel” is 1,693X More Powerful Than Gasoline


This Breakthrough
“Superfuel” is 1,693X More Powerful Than Gasoline

Unearthed in the Andes Mountains, these mysterious crystals contain
what MIT researchers call energy’s “Holy Grail.”

And they could ignite a $7.2 trillion economic revolution!


discovery made 13,000 feet up in the Andes Mountains is going to forever alter the global energy industry.

The locals call the mysterious crystals you see here “Oro Blanco.” (Hvíta gullið.)

Translated, that’s “White Gold.”

But MIT, Forbes, and The Daily Mail have made an even bolder declaration.

“The Holy Grail”
– MIT, ForbesThe Daily Mail

This superfuel will run you $49 a gallon.

At first it sounds pricey.

But Oro Blanco, what I call “OBL,” is actually one of the greatest bargains you’ll ever come across.

Check this out.

Let’s say you own a typical mid-sized American car.

So you can probably drive about 25 miles on a gallon of gasoline.

Maybe 40-50 if it’s a hybrid-electric model like a Toyota Prius.

Care to guess what would happen if you retrofitted your car to run on OBL?

50 miles to the gallon? Maybe 100 MPG? Or 500 MPG?

Not even close.

I’d like for you to imagine:

  • Pulling into your local gas station on empty
  • Putting only a single gallon of this superfuel in your tank
  • And driving 42,325 miles before having to stop at that same gas station again.

That’s like driving from New York City to Los Angelesand back SEVEN times on a single gallon.

Það eru 6046 mílur, á milli Losangeles og New York, og þú keyrir 7 sinnum þar á milli á einu gallóni.


So you’re probably asking yourself, “how is this even possible?”

I’ll give you two reasons.

One of them is simple science. And the other sounds like magic.

First off, this crystal fuel can withstand extreme temperatures.

Consider gasoline.

It might start boiling at 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

When it does, some amounts will evaporate.

That’s potential fuel that is vanishing into thin air.

OBL doesn’t have this problem.

It doesn’t boil until it hits 2,457 degrees Fahrenheit.


So it utilizes its full energy potential, while remaining stable at temperatures much higher than any car engine can produce.

Now, the second reason.

This is the secret that gives these tiny crystals the ability to contain such an immense amount of energy.

Astrophysicists have observed “OBL” being produced by dwarf stars and cosmic rays colliding.



Crystal Fuel Could Drive a $7.2 Trillion Energy Revolution




China, India, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan all are expressing a large interest in and financial commitment to developing a harvesting infrastructure for this promising resource. Þetta er ástæða deilunar um Suður Kína haf.

Egilsstaðir, 29.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

9 NATURAL CURES FOR ENLARGED PROSTATE TO SHRINK IT WITH NO PAIN Most men over 50 have this problem... The prostate is a gland in males and has the look of a chestnut, located near the urethra. Two issues can arise here: enlargement and inflammation.

Hugleiðing ætluð þeim, sem á henni þurfa að halda.

Við verðum að hjálpa líkamanum,við að halda sér í formi.

Viljinn skiptir máli.

Það er fullt af svona ráðleggingum á youtube. Þú sérð þær þegar þú opnar síðuna. Ég nota birkilauf, í te og borða laufin líka.

Það dregur úr bólgum var sagt í bók um íslenskar lækningajurtir, og endurnýjar magaflóruna, og þá er auðveldara að pissa.

Grænmetissúpa, sýð oft grænmetis afganga, nú, þurrkað grænmeti frá Náttúra, töluvert krydd var í pokanum, tveir súputeningar, eitthvað af pasta.

Grænmetið hefur fullt af efnum, sem eyða bólgum og allskonar óáran.

Hýðið, húðin utan um ávöxtinn, grænmetið, er sér hönnuð til að fæla frá skordýr og aðra óvelkomna gesti.

Ef þú snertir Tómatplöntuna, hárin sem vaxa út úr stönglinum, þá spýtist á fingurna efni til að reka skordýrin og óboðna gesti burtu, og þú finnur "ilminn" af fingrunum.

Heildar kúrinn, er að borða grænmeti, skoða hvað hjálpar öðrum, reyna það á sjálfum sér og finna út hvað reynist þér best.

Þegar við borðum hýðið, þarf að skola og skrúbba hýðið svo að geymsluefni verði sem minnst.

Best að nota íslenskt ef hægt er.

Betra ef það er ræktað án eiturefna.


Ég sá þarna aðra kúra, til dæmis að drekka 2,5 kg , af „þeyttum! gulrótum, á dag, og svo þessa:



Þessi ráðlegging hér fyrir neðan er „ skýr en aðeins flókin.“



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Almost all men over 50 have this problem with the prostate. The prostate is a gland in males and has the look of a chestnut, located near the urethra. Two issues can arise here: enlargement and inflammation. WATCH THE VIDEO AND YOU'LL BE AMAZED.

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Ég vona að ég megi gera þetta svona, ef ekki , þá breyti ég því strax.

Egilsstaðir, 27.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Skaparinn er sá sem leitar lausna, en nústaðreyndatrúarmaðurinn í okkur, er sá sem hefur lært hvernig allt er að fara til andskotans. Hann finnur út að það þurfi að fækka fólkinu, jörðin beri ekki svona marga íbúa.

Við erum bæði  skaparar, og nústaðreyndatrúarmenn.

Skaparinn er sá sem leitar lausna, en nústaðreyndatrúarmaðurinn í okkur, er sá sem hefur lært hvernig allt er að fara til andskotans.

Hann finnur út að það þurfi að fækka fólkinu, jörðin beri ekki svona marga íbúa.

Oft erum við hræddir við lífsbraut okkar og höldum að nóg sé að fela sannleikan.

Skoða betur

Evrópa verður að fá "íslenskt orkuverð," ekki okurverð frá Íslandi 

Guðsfólkið           Get ég flúið frá sannleikanum?

Egilsstaðir, 18.11.2015  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Ég fann þetta opið á gestatölvunni á hótelinu, nota hana stundum sem vinnutölvu.

 Egilsstaðir, 25.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Nýar rafhlöður fyrir bíla er hægt að hlaða 70% á tveim mínútum, og hlaða 10.000, tíu þúsund sinnum og endast í 20 ár.

Nýar rafhlöður fyrir bíla.

Nýar rafhlöður fyrir bíla er hægt að hlaða 70% á tveim mínútum, og hlaða 10.000, tíu þúsund sinnum og endast í 20 ár.


Ultra-fast new batteries can recharge 70 percent in two minutes


Scientists in Singapore have designed a highly durable battery that can also be recharged 20 times faster than current models.

Nanyang Technology University (NTU) scientists in Singapore say they have developed an advanced lithium-ion battery that, in addition to charging faster, has a longer lifespan. Their battery can apparently be recharged 10,000 times – meaning it lasts more than 20 years compared to the conventional ones currently run about two to three years.


Egilsstaðir, 13.04.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugson

Jesú kenndi sannleika, vísindi. Nústaðreyndatrú er það, sem við höldum að sé rétt , til dæmis Einstein og tómið, var áður eterinn, nú sagt súpa og svo efnið, sem er aðeins orka. Holograph þrívíði skjárinn sem við lifum í, er aðeins, sýndarveruleiki.

Gyðingar, og  Guðsfólkið, er Kristni, eða Kristnir eru Guðsfólkið og Gyðingar.

Munum að Rómverjar, eða stjórnsýsla Rómverja krossfesti,  Krist.

Að sjálfsögðu voru Gyðingar í stjórnsýslunni, svipað og nú, þegar öll stjórnsýslan er að flytja Múslima til Evrópu og Ameriku, og er stjórnsýslunni talin trú um að hún sé að bjarga heiminum.

Það er miklu áhrifaríkara að stöðva banka og olíu klíkuna, í því að sprengja allt í tættlur í löndunum.

Byrja svo strax á að byggja upp löndin, svo að fólkið geti verið heima hjá sér.

Fyrir þá peninga sem við notum á hvern flóttamann á Íslandi, má sjá um 100 í heimalöndunum.

Gyðingunum, Guðsfólkinu, í Gyðingalandi, var leyft af Róm, að stofna Rabbína skóla í Jamnia árið 70 eftir Krist.

Þessi Jamnia skóli kenndi það sem Rómverjum líkaði.


Róm barðist áfram á móti þessum hugmyndum Gyðingana, Guðsfólksins, í 250 ár.

Trú og hugmyndir Gyðingana, Guðsfólksins lifði áfram leynilega,  „neðanjarðar,“  í földum  kirkjum og dreifðust á meðal fólksins, til ársins 313,

Af og til voru miklar ofsóknir í Rómarríkinu gegn þeim, og náðu þær hámarki í tíð Diocletians með opinberum ofsóknum frá árinu 303 til 311.

Lét Diocletian keisari brjóta niður húseignir og heimili kristinna manna og lét safna saman og brenna helgiritin.

Kristnir voru handteknir, pyntaðir, limlestir. brenndir, sveltir og settir í drápskeppni á leiksviðum til að skemmta áhorfendum.

Þessum ofsóknum lauk 31 apríl árið 311 þegar Gallerius eldri keisari í Tetrarchyar, gaf út tilskipun um meira umburðarlyndi og meira frelsi í keisaradæminu.

Constantine, keisari í Vestur-Rómverska ríkinu og Licinius, keisari í Austur-Rómverska ríkinu voru aðilar að þessari tilskipun.

Á þessu tímabili var farið að kalla Gyðingana, Guðsfólkið, Kristna.

Trúlega hefur stjórnsýslunni í Róm, og þess vegna í Jerúsalem, líkað betur að geta kennt Gyðingum, Guðsfólkinu um krossfestinguna á Kristi, og fundist ágætt að kalla þessar hugmyndir Kristni.


Margt bendir til að stjórnkerfið í dag reyni að eyða Kristninni, til dæmis þegar þeir ýttu Kristnum fræðum og Nýja Testamentinu út ú skólunum.

Einnig sáum við að heimsstjórnsýslan, og heimspressan gerðu ekki mikið úr þjóðarmorðum á Kristnum og Yassidum í Mið-Austur löndum.

Það heyrist varla að Kristnum sé boðin aðstoð í fjölmiðlum, eða hjálparstofnunum. Hvaða fjármagn heldur þú að eigi fjölmiðlana og hjálparstofnanirnar? Er allri stjórnsýslunni stjórnað af New World Order.

17.3.2017 | 14:00

Spurninginn er hvort þetta er í raun stríð gegn Kristni?

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 10. júlí 2016

Er verið að stofna heimsríki, NWO, New World Order, af fjármálakerfinu, sem er 80% í eign Sáda, Súníta, og þá Islam.




Það sem Jesú kenndi er sannleikur, vísindi. Nú staðreyndatrú okkar er aðeins það, sem við höldum að sé rétt í dag, til dæmis Einstein og tómið, var áður eterinn, nú sagt súpa og svo efnið, sem er aðeins orka. Holograph þrívíði skjárinn sem við lifum í, er aðeins, sýndarveruleiki.

 Egilsstaðir, 22.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Hver er svo spakur að geta sagt okkur hvort þessir nýju geymar eru jafn góðir og ál efnarafallinn, sem Björn Kristinnsson, sagði okkur frá, 03.06.2001. Var efnarafallinn keyptur, af olíufélögunum, til að taka efnarafalinn af markaði?

Hver er svo spakur að geta sagt okkur hvort þessir nýju geymar eru jafn góðir og efnarafallinn, sem Björn Kristinnsson, sagði okkur frá, 03.06.2001




Ál er fullt af efnaorku, segir Björn Kristinsson, alveg eins og olía og kol.


Egilsstaðir, 20.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Ekki hefur frést af geyminum, efnarafalnum síðan að hann var keyptur af núverandi aðaleiganda  Aluminium-Power Inc. og Trimol Group, Inc.  sem er fjármálamaðurinni dr. Boris Birshtein.

Helst leit út fyrir að efnarafallinn hafi verið keyptur, af olíufélögunum, til að taka efnarafalinn af markaði.

Mér mistókst að setja inn myndirnar, í fyrri athugasemd.

Lesa greinina eftir  Björn Kristinnsson,  á slóðinni,


Fyrirtæki og framleiðendur

Upphaf þessa efnarafala er hjá fyrirtækinu Aluminum-Power Inc. í Toronto í Kanada og fékk það einkaleyfi á aðferðinni, sem notuð er.

Næst yfirtók fyrirtækið Trimol Group, Inc. í New York málið og stefnir að víðtækri markaðssetningu.

Nýlega hefur svo franska stórfyrirtækinu Sagem SA verið veitt framleiðsluleyfi, sem það hyggst nota við farsíma sína.

Núverandi aðaleigandi Aluminium-Power Inc. og Trimol Group, Inc. er fjármálamaður að nafni dr. Boris Birshtein. Hann virðist vera mjög litríkur persónuleiki, er upprunninn í Litháen og hefur haft sterk viðskiptatengsl í fyrrverandi austantjaldsríkjum og var ráðgjafi framámanna þar. Hann býr í Bandaríkjunum og hefur einnig náin tengsl við ráðamenn á Vesturlöndum, í Evrópu og Ameríku, hann þekkir alla!

Trimol Group, Inc. stefnir nú að framleiðslu og markaðssetningu á efnarafalatækninni.

Egilsstaðir, 20.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Muslims Rape, Steal, and Murder for 1350 years. Why are we afraid to discuss Islam? - Vaknaðu Amerika, áður en þú veist af verður það of seinnt. Vaknaðu vegan barnana þinna. Láttu ekki þrælka þig.

Muslims Rape, Steal, and Murder for 1350 years. Why are we afraid to discuss Islam?


Vaknaðu Amerika, áður en þú veist af verður það of seinnt.


Vaknaðu vegan barnana þinna. Láttu ekki þrælka þig.

Wake up America. Soon, you will not be allowed to awaken.

Do it for your children.

Þú sem hefur getuna til að lesa og hlusta á þá sem eru að kenna okkur, átt að dreifa því til okkar hinna.

Published on Jan 22, 2017

Excerpts Taken from "Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr. Bill Warner." Credit to Dr. Bill Warner. He's not a historian, he's a truth teller. There is a dangerous Muslim problem in the United States and Europe. Sadly, many people are unaware. Adults know what is on TV,

they know what sports are on, but they are oblivious to the Muslim invasion! Soon, they will have no choice but to face it. SHARE these videos.  Please subscribe, I will have a Strong channel with diverse and meaningful content for people to learn. I do not ask for money, and I have nothing to sell you.

I want to share the truth with my fellow men and women who have the Courage to hear it. 


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We have never got anything from Islam but war and hell.



Horfðu á vídeóið, lærðu um sögu vesturlanda, heimssöguna, þá skilur þú baráttuna í dag.

Kristnin er undir staða vestrænnar menningar. Meira

Skoða betur

Egilsstaðir, 19.04.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

TRUMP WINS POPULAR VOTE? - 25 Million Votes For Hillary Clinton Completely Fake - 48.1 vs 55.7 7.5 Million popular Heartland Vote Landslide - FINAL Numbers TRUMP WINS EVERYTHING: Popular ( 62.9 M -62.2 M ) & Electiral ( 306-232)

Hér er sagt að fleiri kjósendur hafi kosið Trump.

Skoða myndirnar neðar


Trump Hillary who got the majority spurt á youtube.com



Birt 11. nóv. 2016

TRUMP WINS POPULAR VOTE? Great Possibility - Jim & Michelle Discuss How By Using California as an Example. Only 70% of votes are tallied in California as well as several other states. How could they possibly leave it showing Hillary has the popular vote when all the votes aren't tallied? Good question - we uncovered something else very suspect.



NPR: "25 Million Votes For Hillary Clinton ‘Completely Fake’ - She Lost Popular Vote."



48.1 vs 55.7 7.5 Million popular Heartland Vote Landslide Michael Patrick Leahy map, Breitbart math







Birt 19. nóv. 2016


2623 counties for Donald Trump vs 487 counties for Hillary Clinton mapped & NOT eliminating 52 counties
where Clinton did well & with a lot more cities from the equation all mapped using 3,110 of the
actual 3,142 American counties & equivalents according to Census Bureau tally BUT Breitbart's
Michael Patrick Leahy decide Donald Trump won an overwhelming 7.5 million popular vote victory
in 3,084 of the 3,141 counties or county equivalents in America’s heartland as 55.7 of 109.3 million
Americans cast their ballots in those counties for Trump, & only 48.1 million voted for Hillary Clinton

none of the lame stream news sites bothered to archive any of this before breitbart redacted!
http://archive.li/3xA72 https://archive.li/BGu1l http://archive.li/SblQQ http://archive.li/65k4U http://archive.li/xLkuX


FINAL ELECTION Numbers TRUMP WINS EVERYTHING: Popular ( 62.9 M -62.2 M ) & Electiral ( 306-232).


Birt 13. nóv. 2016



Egilsstaðir, 17.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


TRUMP WINS POPULAR VOTE? - 25 Million Votes For Hillary Clinton Completely Fake - 48.1 vs 55.7 7.5 Million popular Heartland Vote Landslide - FINAL Numbers TRUMP WINS EVERYTHING: Popular ( 62.9 M -62.2 M ) & Electiral ( 306-232)

Hér er sagt að fleiri kjósendur hafi kosið Trump.

Skoða myndirnar neðar


Trump Hillary who got the majority spurt á youtube.com



Birt 11. nóv. 2016

TRUMP WINS POPULAR VOTE? Great Possibility - Jim & Michelle Discuss How By Using California as an Example. Only 70% of votes are tallied in California as well as several other states. How could they possibly leave it showing Hillary has the popular vote when all the votes aren't tallied? Good question - we uncovered something else very suspect.



NPR: "25 Million Votes For Hillary Clinton ‘Completely Fake’ - She Lost Popular Vote."



48.1 vs 55.7 7.5 Million popular Heartland Vote Landslide Michael Patrick Leahy map, Breitbart math







Birt 19. nóv. 2016


2623 counties for Donald Trump vs 487 counties for Hillary Clinton mapped & NOT eliminating 52 counties
where Clinton did well & with a lot more cities from the equation all mapped using 3,110 of the
actual 3,142 American counties & equivalents according to Census Bureau tally BUT Breitbart's
Michael Patrick Leahy decide Donald Trump won an overwhelming 7.5 million popular vote victory
in 3,084 of the 3,141 counties or county equivalents in America’s heartland as 55.7 of 109.3 million
Americans cast their ballots in those counties for Trump, & only 48.1 million voted for Hillary Clinton

none of the lame stream news sites bothered to archive any of this before breitbart redacted!
http://archive.li/3xA72 https://archive.li/BGu1l http://archive.li/SblQQ http://archive.li/65k4U http://archive.li/xLkuX


FINAL ELECTION Numbers TRUMP WINS EVERYTHING: Popular ( 62.9 M -62.2 M ) & Electiral ( 306-232).


Birt 13. nóv. 2016



Egilsstaðir, 17.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Andinn, Guð er andi, sköpunar andinn, að tala frá andanum er að tala frá -KJARNANUM, - sem Nikola Tesla talar um.

When Trump calls for 45% tariffs on Chinese imported goods, the geeks in Washington get out their spreadsheets and economic models. They begin calculating the drag on growth and impact on jobs from a tariff increase on a static quantity of imports. What they don’t understand is that for Trump, the 45% tariff is just the starting place for a negotiation.


Sett á blogg:  Einar Björn Bjarnason

Hvað hefur orðið um - byltingarmanninn Trump?


 Andinn, Guð er andi, sköpunar andinn, að tala frá andanum er að tala frá -KJARNANUM, - sem Nikola Tesla talar um.

Andlegir hæfileikar eru gjöf frá Guði, guðlegri veru,

og ef við einbeitum huga okkar að þeim sannleika

öðlumst við samhljóm við þennan æðri mátt. - Nikola Tesla

Hér ausa menn af andanum, úr KJARNANUM.

""When Trump calls for 45% tariffs on Chinese imported goods, the geeks in Washington get out their spreadsheets and economic models. ... What they don’t understand is that for Trump, the 45% tariff is just the starting place for a negotiation.""

5.12.2016 | 00:20

Egilsstaðir, 14.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Swedicide... - State induced psychosis leading to citizen s abandonment of reason and self survival instincts. Muslims Want Their Own State in Australia! No Go Zones are Not Enough!

  Swedicide... er þá átt við orðin?  Sweden - suicide

Ég sá bergða fyrir í tölvunni, þegar ég var að vinna þetta blog, að hatursumræða væri slæm.

Þarna virtist einhver vera inni í blogginu, sem vildi að Kristnir yggðu ekki að sér.

Trúlega er það ekki slæm umræða að reyna að fá Krisnu þjóðirnar, til að byrja á fullu  við að kenna Kristnina í skólunum, og frelsa fólkið frá því að vera þrælar og konurnar settar í poka og klippt gat fyrir augun.

Andlegir hæfileikar eru gjöf frá Guði, guðlegri veru, og ef við einbeitum huga okkar að þeim sannleika öðlumst við samhljóm við þennan æðri mátt. - Nikola Tesla


Muslims Want Their Own State in Australia! No Go Zones are Not Enough!


 2017-04-12-Muslims Want Their Own State in Australia! No Go Zones are Not Enough-01

 Published on Apr 12, 2017

There is a dangerous Radical Muslim and Immigration problem in the United States and Europe. Adults know what is on TV, they know what sports are on, but they are oblivious to the Muslim invasion! Soon, they will have no choice but to face it. In fact, it is here and only the blind do not see! Telling the truth has always been dangerous. Throughout history, many good people have been murdered, incarcerated, committed to mental institutions, lost jobs, family, friends, homes, belongings, and been harassed to the point of staying quiet. 

 2017-04-12-Muslims Want Their Own State in Australia! No Go Zones are Not Enough-02


Mín 8:27

 2017-04-12-Muslims Want Their Own State in Australia! No Go Zones are Not Enough-03

Mín. 8:37

 2017-04-12-Muslims Want Their Own State in Australia! No Go Zones are Not Enough-04

Mín. 8:52


State induced psychosis leading to citizen s abandonment of reason and self survival instincts.

Egilsstaðir, 12.04.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Sharia Law, see what Muslims do to their women. The Stoning of Sorya M Based On a True Story. The Fate Of Many Women Of Tha Midle East. Er þetta virkilega svona?

Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul, author, physician, politician. U.S. Representative for Texas' 14th and 22nd congr. districts. Represented the 22nd congressional district from 1976 to 1977 and 1979 to 1985, represented the 14th congr. district, 1997 to 2013.

Ron Paul on Syria gas attack: - It doesn t make sense. Zero chance Assad did this.


Published on Apr 5, 2017

“It doesn’t make any sense for Assad, under these conditions, to all of the sudden use poison gas. I think it’s zero chance he would have done this.” - Ron Paul


Stöðvum olíu stríðin. Stop The Oil War. Ron Paul on Syria gas attack: 'It doesn't make sense. Zero chance Assad did this.'

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EXCLUSIVE: Michael Savage Begs Trump To Stop WWIII


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Mín 7:13/23:09

Published on Apr 11, 2017

In this off the cuff interview Michael Savage begs Donald Trump to not plunge the world into another world war which may destroy life as we know it.

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Ein af orsökum stríðanna í Mið Austur löndum.

9.4.2017 | 01:05

MUST WATCH! The Hidden Truth Behind the Horrible Chemical Attack in Syria (ReallyGraceful)


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Ron Paul on Syria gas attack: 'It doesn't make sense. Zero chance Assad did this.'



Egilsstaðir, 12.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


mbl.is Hvatti Ivanka Trump til loftárásar?
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

Er Trump að tala, þegar við sjáum hann í sjónvarpinu, eða einhver heldur ræðu, og hreyfimynd af Trump sést í sjónvarpinu, gera allar hreyfingar og tal leikarans. Munum bænir geta haft áhrif á holograph veraldar myndina sem við skynjum.

Við vitum ekki hvað er að gerast, ekki hvort Trump er að tala, þegar við sjáum hann í sjónvarpinu, eða einhver maður heldur ræðu, og hreyfimynd af Trump sést í sjónvarpinu, gera allar hreyfingar og tal, sem þessi einhver leikur.





Ég er orðlaus.

Við getum farið með góðar bænir, munum að bænirnar geta haft áhrif á holograph myndina sem er sú veröld sem við skynjum.

Þið sem eruð góðir í tungumálum og skilningi, lesi og horfið og túlkið til okkar hinna.


Hvaða leyniþjónusta sem er getur látið okkur upplifa árás frá geimverum, eða látið loftstein falla í hafið austur af Bandaríkjunum, Síðan kemur aðilinn með harp vopnið, og býr til mikla flóðbylgju, sem færi í átt að austurströndinni.


National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster is reportedly feeding President Trump false intelligence to lead him into a war in Syria to help the Saudis. 



April 10, 2017

Monday, April 10: Russia Threatens to Strike Back – Both Russia and Iran have warned they will respond to further US military actions against Syrian President Assad following the strike in Syria last week. National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster is reportedly feeding President Trump false intelligence to lead him into a war in Syria to help the Saudis. Ed Martin, director of the Eagle Forum and the late Phyllis Schlafly’s right-hand man, explains what’s going on. We also look into border news as illegal immigration hits record lows. Tune in!SHOW LESS


White House Intel: Globalists Plan WW3, Trump Surrounded: 4/9/17 Full Show


Published on Apr 9, 2017

Sunday, April 9: Trump Being Tricked into Syrian Invasion - US President Donald Trump launches an airstrike in retaliation over Syria's alleged chemical weapons use, but was the president tricked by a false flag provocation into fulfilling the globalist agenda of a Syrian invasion?

The world watches Trump's next moves as the media and neo-cons cheerlead for more US strikes, wider involvement in Syria and the ousting of President Bashar Al-Assad. We break it all down on this worldwide broadcast and also take your calls.


Cernovich: We Are Defending Trump by Attacking Deep State


Published on Apr 9, 2017

we have to attack Deep State, because we’re LOYAL to Trump, not because we’re opposing him, that’s WHY we attack and expose McMaster, and his like.
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Deep State Military Hijacks White House To Launch War In Syria


Published on Apr 9, 2017

McMaster has been manipulating intelligence reports going to Trump, doing this at the behest of Petraeus, McMaster was part of Petraeus’ inner circle.
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Við vitum ekki hvað er að gerast, ekki hvort Trump er að tala, þegar við sjáum hann í sjónvarpinu, eða einhver maður heldur ræðu, og hreyfimynd af Trump sést í sjónvarpinu, gera allar hreyfingar og tal, sem þessi einhver leikur. Ég orðlaus. Við getum farið með góðar bænir, munum að bænirnar geta haft áhrif á holograph myndina sem er sú veröld sem við skynjum.

Þið sem eruð góðir í tungumálum og skilningi, lesi og horfið og túlkið til okkar hinna.


Egilsstaðir, 10.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Kynna sér söguna, nokkur þúsund ár aftur í tíman.

Bill Warner, PhD: Jihad vs Crusades


2017-04-09-kynna-ser soguna

Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner


Islam frá árinu 700 til 2015, mjög fróðlegt. 

 How many times Muslims invaded Europe vs. Europeans invaded Muslim countries? 

Islam frá árinu 700 til 2015, mjög fróðlegt. 

Egilsstaðir,09.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Hjálparstarfsmenn eru sýndir vera að hjálpa börnunum, með berum höndum, en að það er alls ekki hægt, hjálparstarfsmennirnir verða að vera með öruggan varnarbúnað, annars geta þeir dáið samstundis ef þeir koma við sarin efnið.

April 7, 2017

“Where Did They Go?” Asks Russia After 36 US Missiles Fired At Syria Fail To Arrive


… the Western propaganda mainstream “fake news” media began flooding their citizens televisions, newspapers and digital news feeds with absurd images purporting to be the aftermath of this attack—such as emergency workers hosing down little children with water with their bare hands to remove Sarin gas residue—which is impossible to occur with such a deadly nerve agent whose “real/true” emergency actors must take the utmost extreme measures to protect themselves from being instantly killed when contacting this deadly substance. …

Smá endursögn.

Í þessum fréttum, er sagt að Hjálparstarfsmenn séu sýndir vera að hjálpa börnunum, með berum höndum, en að það sé alls ekki hægt, hjálparstarfsmennirnir verði að vera með öruggan varnarbúnað, annars geti geti þeir dáið samstundis ef þeir koma við sarin efnið.

Gamla elítan verður að hætta að skrökva og falsa atburði.

Allir geta fengið hjálp, ef að þeir bæta ráð sitt strax.

Egilsstaðir, 08.04.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

.. secret agreement in 2012 was reached between the Obama Administration and the leaders of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, to set up a sarin gas attack and blame it on Assad so that the US could invade and overthrow Assad.



Eric ZUESSE | 28.04.2016 | WORLD

Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels

The great investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, in two previous articles in the London Review of Books («Whose Sarin?» and «The Red Line and the Rat Line») has reported that the Obama Administration falsely blamed the government of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad for the sarin gas attack that Obama was trying to use as an excuse to invade Syria; and Hersh pointed to a report from British intelligence saying that the sarin that was used didn’t come from Assad’s stockpiles. Hersh also said that a secret agreement in 2012 was reached between the Obama Administration and the leaders of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, to set up a sarin gas attack and blame it on Assad so that the US could invade and overthrow Assad. «By the terms of the agreement, funding came from Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia and Qatar; the CIA, with the support of MI6, was responsible for getting arms from Gaddafi’s arsenals into Syria». Hersh didn’t say whether these «arms» included the precursor chemicals for making sarin which were stockpiled in Libya, but there have been multiple independent reports that Libya’s Gaddafi possessed such stockpiles, and also that the US Consulate in Benghazi Libya was operating a «rat line» for Gaddafi’s captured weapons into Syria through Turkey. So, Hersh isn’t the only reporter who has been covering this. Indeed, the investigative journalist Christoph Lehmann headlined on 7 October 2013, «Top US and Saudi Officials responsible for Chemical Weapons in Syria» and reported, on the basis of very different sources than Hersh used, that «Evidence leads directly to the White House, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey, CIA Director John Brennan, Saudi Intelligence Chief Prince Bandar, and Saudi Arabia´s Interior Ministry». And, as if that weren’t enough, even the definitive analysis of the evidence that was performed by two leading US analysts, the Lloyd-Postal report, concluded that, «The US Government’s Interpretation of the Technical Intelligence It Gathered Prior to and After the August 21 Attack CANNOT POSSIBLY BE CORRECT». Obama has clearly been lying.

However, now, for the first time, Hersh has implicated Hillary Clinton directly in this «rat line». In an interview with Alternet.org, Hersh was asked about the then-US-Secretary-of-State’s role in the Benghazi Libya US consulate’s operation to collect weapons from Libyan stockpiles and send them through Turkey into Syria for a set-up sarin-gas attack, to be blamed on Assad in order to ‘justify’ the US invading Syria, as the US had invaded Libya to eliminate Gaddafi. Hersh said: «That ambassador who was killed, he was known as a guy, from what I understand, as somebody, who would not get in the way of the CIA. As I wrote, on the day of the mission he was meeting with the CIA base chief and the shipping company. He was certainly involved, aware and witting of everything that was going on. And there’s no way somebody in that sensitive of a position is not talking to the boss, by some channel».

This was, in fact, the Syrian part of the State Department’s Libyan operation, Obama’s operation to set up an excuse for the US doing in Syria what they had already done in Libya.

The interviewer then asked: «In the book [Hersh’s The Killing of Osama bin Laden, just out] you quote a former intelligence official as saying that the White House rejected 35 target sets [for the planned US invasion of Syria] provided by the Joint Chiefs as being insufficiently painful to the Assad regime. (You note that the original targets included military sites only – nothing by way of civilian infrastructure.) Later the White House proposed a target list that included civilian infrastructure. What would the toll to civilians have been if the White House’s proposed strike had been carried out?»

Hersh responded by saying that the US tradition in that regard has long been to ignore civilian casualties; i.e., collateral damage of US attacks is okay or even desired (so as to terrorize the population into surrender) – not an ‘issue’, except, perhaps, for the PR people.

The interviewer asked why Obama is so obsessed to replace Assad in Syria, since «The power vacuum that would ensue would open Syria up to all kinds of jihadi groups»; and Hersh replied that not only he, but the Joint Chiefs of Staff, «nobody could figure out why». He said, «Our policy has always been against him [Assad]. Period». This has actually been the case not only since the Party that Assad leads, the Ba’ath Party, was the subject of a shelved CIA coup-plot in 1957 to overthrow and replace it; but, actually, the CIA’s first coup had been not just planned but was carried out in 1949 in Syria, overthrowing there a democratically elected leader, in order to enable a pipeline for the Sauds’ oil to become built through Syria into the largest oil market, Europe; and, construction of the pipeline started the following year. But, there were then a succession of Syrian coups (domestic instead of by foreign powers – 195419631966, and, finally, in 1970), concluding in the accession to power of Hafez al-Assad during the 1970 coup. And, the Sauds' long-planned Trans-Arabia Pipeline has still not been built. The Saudi royal family, who own the world’s largest oil company, Aramco, don’t want to wait any longer. Obama is the first US President to have seriously tried to carry out their long-desired «regime change» in Syria, so as to enable not only the Sauds’ Trans-Arabian Pipeline to be built, but also to build through Syria the Qatar-Turkey Gas Pipeline that the Thani royal family (friends of the Sauds) who own Qatar want also to be built there. The US is allied with the Saud family (and with their friends, the royal families of Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, and Oman). Russia is allied with the leaders of Syria – as Russia had earlier been allied with Mossadegh in Iran, Arbenz in Guatemala, Allende in Chile, Hussein in Iraq, Gaddafi in Libya, and Yanukovych in Ukraine (all of whom except Syria’s Ba’ath Party, the US has successfully overthrown).

Hersh was wrong to say that «nobody could figure out why» Obama is obsessed with overthrowing Assad and his Ba’ath Party, even if nobody that he spoke with was willing to say why. They have all been hired to do a job, which didn’t change even when the Soviet Union ended and the Warsaw Pact was disbanded; and, anyone who has been at this job for as long as those people have, can pretty well figure out what the job actually is – even if Hersh can’t.

Hersh then said that Obama wanted to fill Syria with foreign jihadists to serve as the necessary ground forces for his planned aerial bombardment there, and, «if you wanted to go there and fight there in 2011-2013, ‘Go, go, go… overthrow Bashar!’ So, they actually pushed a lot of people [jihadists] to go. I don’t think they were paying for them but they certainly gave visas».

However, it’s not actually part of America’s deal with its allies the fundamentalist-Sunni Arabic royal families and the fundamentalist Sunni Erdogan of Turkey, for the US to supply the salaries (to be «paying for them», as Hersh put it there) to those fundamentalist Sunni jihadists – that’s instead the function of the Sauds and of their friends, the other Arab royals, and their friends, to do. (Those are the people who finance the terrorists to perpetrate attacks in the US, Europe, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, India, Nigeria, etc. – i.e., anywhere except in their own countries.) And, Erdogan in Turkey mainly gives their jihadists just safe passage into Syria, and he takes part of the proceeds from the jihadists’ sales of stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil. But, they all work together as a team (with the jihadists sometimes killing each other in the process – that’s even part of the plan) – though each national leader has PR problems at home in order to fool his respective public into thinking that they’re against terrorists, and that only the ‘enemy’ is to blame. (Meanwhile, the aristocrats who supply the «salaries» of the jihadists, walk off with all the money.)

This way, US oil and gas companies will refine, and pipeline into Europe, the Sauds’ oil and the Thanis’ gas, and not only will Russia’s major oil-and-gas market become squeezed away by that, but Obama’s economic sanctions against Russia, plus the yet-further isolation of Russia (as well as of China and the rest of the BRICS countries) by excluding them from Obama’s three mega-trade-deals (TTIP, TPP & TISA), will place the US aristocracy firmly in control of the world, to dominate the 21st Century, as it has dominated ever since the end of WW II.

Then, came this question from Hersh: «Why does America do what it does? Why do we not say to the Russians, Let’s work together?» His interviewer immediately seconded that by repeating it, «So why don’t we work closer with Russia? It seems so rational». Hersh replied simply: «I don’t know». He didn’t venture so much as a guess – not even an educated one. But, when journalists who are as knowledgeable as he, don’t present some credible explanation, to challenge the obvious lies (which make no sense that accords with the blatantly contrary evidence those journalists know of against those lies) that come from people such as Barack Obama, aren’t they thereby – though passively – participating in the fraud, instead of contradicting and challenging it? Or, is the underlying assumption, there: The general public is going to be as deeply immersed in the background information here as I am, so that they don’t need me to bring it all together for them into a coherent (and fully documented) whole, which does make sense? Is that the underlying assumption? Because: if it is, it’s false.

Hersh’s journalism is among the best (after all: he went so far as to say, of Christopher Stephens, regarding Hillary Clinton, «there’s no way somebody in that sensitive of a position is not talking to the boss, by some channel»), but it’s certainly not good enough. However, it’s too good to be published any longer in places like the New Yorker. And the reporting by Christof Lehmann was better, and it was issued even earlier than Hersh’s; and it is good enough, because it named names, and it explained motivations, in an honest and forthright way, which is why Lehmann’s piece was published only on a Montenegrin site, and only online, not in a Western print medium, such as the New Yorker. The sites that are owned by members of the Western aristocracy don’t issue reports like that – journalism that’s good enough. They won’t inform the public when a US Secretary of State, and her boss the US President, are the persons actually behind a sarin gas attack they’re blaming on a foreign leader the US aristocrats and their allied foreign aristocrats are determined to topple and replace.

Is this really democracy?

Tags: ISIS   Libya  Clinton 

Egilsstaðir, 07.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Nú eru fjárfestarnir komnir á fulla ferð við að hirða allt af okkur aftur. Fjárfestarnir hirtu allt af okkur 2008. Seldu til dæmis fyrirmyndar fisksölufyrirtækin, Orkuveitu Suðurnesja, Bláalónið og fleira, hæstbjóðanda, til útlanda.

Sett á bloggið: Halldór Jónsson

Hvernig Óli Björn?


 Við þurfum að reikna út út hvað margar brýr, hve mörg jarðgöng, hve langa vegi, hve marga spítala og annað er hægt að framkvæma, fyrir 30% gengishækkunina, (ca. tölur) í stað þess að láta Seðlabankann, eftir skipun Alþjóðabankans, láta okkur eyða öllum tekjunum, í oft óþarfa, og neyða fyrirtækin til að safna skuldum, til að þessi útflutningsfyrirtæki, þurfi að taka lán í bankanum, við vitum, að ef fyrirtækin taka ekki lán í bankanum, þá getur bannkinn ekki skrifað tölur og lánað fólki og fyrirtækjum, og þá eignast bankinn, ekki neitt.

Við munum að Líbýa fór að nota Denarinn, og var um leið sprengd í tætlur.

Assad tók ekki lán í Alþjóðabankanum og Sýrland sprengt í tætlur.

Ísland nær skuldlaust, 2008, og tekið niður.

Fjárfestarnir hirtu allt af okkur 2008.

Seldu til dæmis fyrirmyndar fisksölufyrirtækin, Orkuveitu Suðurnesja, Bláalónið og fleira, hæstbjóðanda, til útlanda.

Nú eru fjárfestarnir komnir á fulla ferð við að hirða allt af okkur aftur.

Við förum að hugsa, og sex og sykur í hófi.

Það hefur sýnt sig í gegn um árinn og aldirnar að ef eitthvert þjóðfélag fer í sexið og sykurinn, þá hættir það þjóðfélag að hugsa.

Lesum um gömlu göturnar, og hættum að láta fjárfestana mjólka okkur eins og kýr í fjósi.

Bið ykkur vel að lifa.

Verð að ná í kostinn.

Egilsstaðir, 05.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Eru Múslimar búnir að yfirtaka þessi ríki innan Bandaríkjanna? Muslims Establishing No-Go Zones in America. - I will back Texas independence EUs Juncker warns Trump

Muslims Establishing No-Go Zones in America • 1/14/15 •

Eru Múslimar búnir að yfirtaka þessi ríki innan Bandaríkjanna?


Klikka fyrir stærri mynd.

2017-04-05-Muslims Establishing No-Go Zones in Americ

Egilsstaðir, 05.04.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

"The Chinese are always looking at what the Americans do," he says.

 World War III nightmare scenario brewing in the East China Sea


 2017-04-05-World War III nightmare scenario brewing in the East China Sea

With the Trump administration still trying to find its feet after a shaky first two months in office, China could look to press a perceived advantage in the Western Pacific, says Dr. Akio Takahara, an expert on Chinese politics and professor in the graduate school of law and politics at the University of Tokyo.

"The Chinese are always looking at what the Americans do," he says.

"So when the Americans aren't doing well, they think they are doing very well."


Það er fróðlegt að ófriðarseggurinn, yfirgangsmaðurinn, fer strax af stað með ófrið og yfirgang, ef að hann heldur að hann komist upp með það.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 21. október 2016


Egilsstaðir, 05.04.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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