Swedicide... - State induced psychosis leading to citizen s abandonment of reason and self survival instincts. Muslims Want Their Own State in Australia! No Go Zones are Not Enough!

  Swedicide... er žį įtt viš oršin?  Sweden - suicide

Ég sį bergša fyrir ķ tölvunni, žegar ég var aš vinna žetta blog, aš hatursumręša vęri slęm.

Žarna virtist einhver vera inni ķ blogginu, sem vildi aš Kristnir yggšu ekki aš sér.

Trślega er žaš ekki slęm umręša aš reyna aš fį Krisnu žjóširnar, til aš byrja į fullu  viš aš kenna Kristnina ķ skólunum, og frelsa fólkiš frį žvķ aš vera žręlar og konurnar settar ķ poka og klippt gat fyrir augun.

Andlegir hęfileikar eru gjöf frį Guši, gušlegri veru, og ef viš einbeitum huga okkar aš žeim sannleika öšlumst viš samhljóm viš žennan ęšri mįtt. - Nikola Tesla


Muslims Want Their Own State in Australia! No Go Zones are Not Enough!


 2017-04-12-Muslims Want Their Own State in Australia! No Go Zones are Not Enough-01

 Published on Apr 12, 2017

There is a dangerous Radical Muslim and Immigration problem in the United States and Europe. Adults know what is on TV, they know what sports are on, but they are oblivious to the Muslim invasion! Soon, they will have no choice but to face it. In fact, it is here and only the blind do not see! Telling the truth has always been dangerous. Throughout history, many good people have been murdered, incarcerated, committed to mental institutions, lost jobs, family, friends, homes, belongings, and been harassed to the point of staying quiet. 

 2017-04-12-Muslims Want Their Own State in Australia! No Go Zones are Not Enough-02


Mķn 8:27

 2017-04-12-Muslims Want Their Own State in Australia! No Go Zones are Not Enough-03

Mķn. 8:37

 2017-04-12-Muslims Want Their Own State in Australia! No Go Zones are Not Enough-04

Mķn. 8:52


State induced psychosis leading to citizen s abandonment of reason and self survival instincts.

Egilsstašir, 12.04.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Sharia Law, see what Muslims do to their women. The Stoning of Sorya M Based On a True Story. The Fate Of Many Women Of Tha Midle East. Er žetta virkilega svona?

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