where the combined might of CNN, NBC, CBS, The Washington Post and the New .. York Times and others failed in influencing the US election. Not to mention the reality where 500 US media outlets endorsed Clinton and only 25 President-elect Donald Trump.

How RT became the star of CIA, FBI & NSA's anticlimactic ‘big reveal’


.And it appears that we should swallow how RT succeeded

where the combined might of CNN, NBC, CBS, The Washington Post and the New .. York Times and others failed in influencing the US election.

Not to mention the reality where 500 US media outlets endorsed Clinton

and only 25 President-elect Donald Trump.

It’s time to scream: “stop the lights!”…


… More outdated facts follow. When it comes to YouTube views, the report cites a figure of 800 million for RT.

However, it’s five times higher, at four billion, and counting.

Indeed, the English language channel alone can be proud of over 1.5 billion hits at present. … 

Egilsstaðir, 08.01.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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