Fá stjarneðlisfræðinga, kjarnaeðlisfræðinga, efniseðlisfræðinga, víddaeðlisfræðinga, það er þá sem hafa lært um hvernig heimurinn, veröldin er upp byggð. Þessa sem lærðu um strengja fræðina, fjölheima, það er the string theory, og multi verse.

Sett á blogg: Óli Jón

... og enn gefur hún eftir


Það er betra að hugsa tvisvar, þrisvar.

En nú þykir mér það ráð, að vér látim og eigi þá ráða, er mest vilja í gegn gangast, og miðlum svo mál á milli þeirra, að hvorirtveggju hafi nokkuð síns máls, og höfum allir ein lög og einn sið. Það mun verða satt, er vér slítum í sundur lögin, að vér munum slíta og friðinn.“ Þorgeir kvað það lög að menn skyldu taka kristni en áfram yrði leyft að blóta leynilega, bera út börn og éta hrossakjöt."

En, aðal málefnið er að við byrjum að kenna Kristni, þannig að allir skilji við hvað er átt.

Þá er átt við að við fáum þá til að kenna okkur , sem hafa mestu menntunina í Kristnu fræðunum.

Til að byrja með rifjum við upp, hvað Nikola Tesla sagði við blaðamanninn í viðtalinu, 1899



Blaðamaður: Þú sagðir að ég sé, eins og allar sköpunarverur, ljósið. Þetta kitlar hégómagirnd mína en ég verð að viðurkenna að ég skil þetta ekki nógu vel.

Tesla: Hvers vegna ættir þú að skilja, herra Smith?

Trúðu því bara. Allt er ljós. Í einum geislanum eru örlög þjóðanna, hver þjóð á sinn geisla í þessari miklu ljósuppsprettu sem við köllum sól.

Og mundu: Enginn sem hefur verið til er dáinn. Þeir ummynduðust í ljós og eru því ennþá til. Leyndardómurinn liggur í þeirri staðreynd að ljósagnirnar endurskapa upprunalega mynd þeirra.*


Þarna virðist Tesla gera ráð fyrir að blaðamaðurinn hafi ekki stundað lestur um fjölvíða heiminn, eða reynt að þroska sjáandann í sér.

Þegar við höfum enga þekkingu á málefninu, þá getum við aðeins hlustað og trúað, ef okkur þykir málefnið þess virði.

Þá á ég við, að fá þá sem eru stjarneðlisfræðingar, kjarnaeðlisfræðingar, efniseðlisfræðingar, víddaeðlisfræðingar, það er þá sem hafa lært um hvernig heimurinn, veröldin er upp byggð.

Þessa sem lærðu um strengja fræðina, fjölheima, það er the string theory, og multi verse.

Að sjálfsögðu verðum við allir að mennta okkur upp á nýtt bæði háir og lágir í kirkjunum.

Þegar við skiljum grundvöllinn fyrir Kristninni, þá getum við tekið ákvörðun um hvað er gáfulegt.

Nikola Tesla sagði einnig að heimurinn væri andlegur, og að okkar heimur væri geislar,

Við lifum í veraldarskjánum, og myndin verður til þegar við sjáum punktana, atómin, díóðurnar í geislaskjánum.

Þetta er tiltölulega einfalt.



Nikola Tesla var einn af þeim, sem fluttu þjóðunum blessun og leystu fólkið úr ánauð þekkingarleysisins? Þekkingin skapar allsnæktir. Nústaðreyndatrúin stóð á móti Jesú og Nikola Tesla. Við skulum færa Jesú og Tesla aftur inn í skólanna.

20.12.2017 | 18:24


Við verðum að muna að enginn verður Guð, þótt hann geti gert furðulegustu hluti, Það verður að vera samhljómur við kennsluna, sem Jesú og aðrir kenndu, og það er að reyna að laga og bæta allt, sjálfan sig og aðra.

6.4.2018 | 22:13


klikka, mynd stærri


Mynd af atomi við alkul, fryst orkueining í tímanum. Við þekkjum punktana í sjónvarpsskjánum, atomin eru punktarnir í þrívíddarskjánum, í rúmminu, eternum, súpunni sem myndar skynjanlegan alheim mannsaugans. Er Atómið Ljósdíóða.




Gangi ykkur allt í haginn.

Egilsstaðir, 25.05.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Look - have turned around on the Criminal Deep State. They go after Phony Collusion with Russia, a made up Scam, and end up getting caught in a major SPY scandal the likes of which this country may never have seen before! What goes around, comes around!

‘Russiagate’ goes ‘Spygate’ as Trump accuses ‘Criminal Deep State’ of infiltrating his campaign

Robert Bridge
Robert Bridge is an American writer and journalist. Former Editor-in-Chief of The Moscow News, he is author of the book, 'Midnight in the American Empire,' released in 2013.
‘Russiagate’ goes ‘Spygate’ as Trump accuses ‘Criminal Deep State’ of infiltrating his campaign
Hounded by claims of ‘Russian collusion’ for most of his presidency, Trump is now calling out the Obama administration over claims it had the FBI spying on his campaign. Can the Republican leader turn the tables on his accusers?

On Sunday, in a series of rapid-fire Tweets, Trump called upon the Justice Department to investigate claims that the FBI infiltrated his campaign for political purposes, possibly at the direct order of former president, Barack Obama.

I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes - and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!

Needless to say, those are serious allegations, and it seems Trump may actually have the one thing that the Mueller investigation has conspicuously lacked to date: evidence.

This month, it was revealed that Professor Stefan Halper, 73, a foreign policy scholar at Cambridge University until 2015, was serving as an FBI mole inside of the Trump campaign.

The operation, started in July 2016 and codenamed ‘Crossfire Hurricane’, is a stunning revelation because for the last two years the FBI denied it was spying on the Trump campaign. Now there is the obvious question as to why the federal agency had infiltrated the Trump campaign in the first place. Was it simply to find evidence of ‘Russian collusion,’ or, as Trump has suggested, was it politically motivated?

Aside from the high creep factor of academics moonlighting as actual spies, Halper allegedly arranged meetings with Trump campaign advisers Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and Sam Clovis in an apparent effort to build the case for Russia collusion, the Washington Post reported.

As one example of his covert work, Halper reportedly “reached out to George Papadopoulos, an unpaid foreign-policy adviser for the campaign, inviting him to London to work on a research paper.”

Those efforts to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign, however, have not given Robert Mueller his 'gotcha!' moment. Indeed, from Paul Manafort (indicted for corruption in Ukraine) to Stormy Daniels (former American porn star) to Evgeny Freidman (New York ‘taxi king’ and tax cheat), and every other shady character in between, the Mueller investigation has failed to make anything more than a tenuous connection to Russia.

Combine this Mueller ‘nothing burger’ with the debunked claims put forth in the Clinton-funded ‘Steele dossier,’ complete with “golden showers” in Moscow, and you have a very good case to “wrap up” the investigation, as Vice President Mike Pence recommended.

Here is why Trump seems so ecstatic with the latest findings: the FBI and DOJ must have known there was no evidence of Russian collusion since their mole (or moles) would have revealed that information long ago. At the same time, Halper is said to have begun his covert activities inside of the Trump campaign before Crossfire Hurricane began, which also complicates matters for the Democrats.

Thus, the entire Mueller investigation, Republicans argue, has been an elaborate farce, designed to tarnish Trump and the Republican Party in the run-up to the monumental midterm elections. Trump is already claiming that the tables have been turned on the Mueller investigation and the deep state.

Look how things have turned around on the Criminal Deep State. They go after Phony Collusion with Russia, a made up Scam, and end up getting caught in a major SPY scandal the likes of which this country may never have seen before! What goes around, comes around!” he tweeted triumphantly Wednesday morning.


Donald J. Trump
✔ @realDonaldTrump
Look how things have turned around on the Criminal Deep State. They go after Phony Collusion with Russia, a made up Scam, and end up getting caught in a major SPY scandal the likes of which this country may never have seen before! What goes around, comes around!


Naturally, Trump’s announcement triggered howls of pain from the Democrats. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) accused the White House on Tuesday of putting “extraordinary, unusual and inappropriate pressure on the Department of Justice and the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.”

Schumer then lashed out at House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), who subpoenaed the DOJ for all documents related to the FBI informant earlier this month.

"A man like Devin Nunes, who, I hear privately from my Republican colleagues — they think he's off the deep end," he said in a personal affront.

That’s right. Schumer thinks it is Nunes who is “off the deep end” because the Republicans have a very solid case for proving high-level political manipulation inside of the Trump campaign. The Senator doth protest too much, methinks. Meanwhile, members of the political right have suggested that Barack Obama, who was the Commander-in-Chief at the time of Trump’s campaign being infiltrated, should be forced to explain what prompted such a decision.

"If he doesn't know, then it would seem a public explanation is also in order — about his management, and about just how far the 'deep state' went without specific presidential approval," argued James Freeman, assistant editor of the Wall Street Journal.

On Thursday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes and House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy will meet with DOJ officials, who are expected to turn over documents detailing the federal intrusion of the Trump campaign.

I reached out to Lionel, legal analyst at lionelmedia.com and regular RT commentator, for some insight into Trump’s chances for emerging successful as he attempts to gain information from the Department of Justice and FBI.

Read more
U.S. President Donald Trump © Al Drago

First, there is the composition of the DOJ, which Lionel described, as only Lionel can, as a “Lernaean Hydra with many facets, divisions, jurisdictions and levels of loyalty.”

There are lifetime, career prosecutors and agents not necessarily committed to an administration or party and there are the targeted, viz. the politically corrupt, biased, partisan and ‘Deep State’ swamp critters whom President Trump has so affectionately titled,” he explained.

Lionel says “the plot now thickens” as Attorney General Jeff Sessions tapped US Attorney John Huber, a Republican from the red state of Utah, to investigate all matters and issues the Republicans have been demanding.

Huber is a federal prosecutor with plenary powers to empanel grand juries, obtain indictments and secure results that make those of a Special Prosecutor pale by comparison,” he explained. “Sessions has further ordered Huber to work in coordination with DOJ Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz and his staff of 470 that dwarfs any of that of a Special Prosecutor.

Moreover, the fact that this [US Attorney] is based in Utah means that he’s far from the fetid swamp that is Washington DC. Far from a potential grand jury pool that is anti-Trump, anti-Sessions and (ahem) anti-justice. The move tactically was brilliant.”

As far as the investigation against Trump, which just entered its second year, “Mueller’s status is an unconstitutional hybrid that normally would require Senate confirmation,” the legal analyst explained via email.

The good news (or bad news, depending on one’s vantage) is that with a Huber-Horowitz team in place, Mueller’s outgunned, outmatched and outmanned." In short, with the Huber-Horowitz team in place in distant Utah, this means “checkmate” for team Trump, Lionel believes.

Whether or not that prediction comes true, it will be very interesting to see what move the Democrats and the Mueller investigation makes next, because the available spaces on this chessboard of extremely high stakes are diminishing at a breathtaking pace.


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The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

Egilsstaðir, 24.05.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Liu hefur skrifað bókina "The Ponzi Factor" Þar veltir hann fyrir sér hvort verðbréfamarkaðurinn sé hálfgerð svikamilla. Honum hefur verið úthýst úr fjármála umræðunni. Dæmi eru til á Íslandi, verðbréf auglýst upp, og féllu á Jón og Gunnu.

The issue, of course, is profits from stocks and what makes a stock price move is not the earnings and growth.

It is actually money from another investor.

Now, is there a connection at all with respect to the earnings and growth and this price movement?

Yeah, it is called a speculative connection: it is not a legal one, it is not a logical one, it is not a definitive or mathematical one.

It is pure speculation.


Stock market is a Ponzi scheme? This alters entire engine of economy – Lee Camp

Stock market is a Ponzi scheme? This alters entire engine of economy – Lee Camp
Comedian Lee Camp, in a special episode of his show Redacted Tonight, has discussed whether the stock market is actually a Ponzi scheme with author Tan Liu.

Liu has written a book ‘The Ponzi Factor’ - “so dangerous that financial websites, finance shows and blogs…want nothing to do with him and banned him from their comment section,” Camp said introducing the guest on his show.

The author revealed “how our stock market is the dictionary definition of a Ponzi scheme - frauds that end with a lot of people getting royally screwed.”

Lee Camp: What do people think the stock market is? Most people think they're investing in a company and they get a small piece of the dividends, the profit, that's the money they get from it. But that's not really true, is it?

Tan Liu: No, it's not. Those are usually the people who don't actually read the documents in terms of what the stockholders are really entitled to. Basically, as you can see on CNBC in Jim Cramer shows, what they focus on is earnings and growth of the company. Why are they focusing on that? That's because they're trying to predict or …foresee whatever the stock price is going to be by earnings and growth.

The issue, of course, is profits from stocks and what makes a stock price move is not the earnings and growth.

It is actually money from another investor.

Now, is there a connection at all with respect to the earnings and growth and this price movement?

Yeah, it is called a speculative connection: it is not a legal one, it is not a logical one, it is not a definitive or mathematical one.

It is pure speculation.

What else is a speculative connection? A Ponzi scheme. I can speculate, a Madoff scam, when people will stop entering with more money. Speculative connections don't mean anything, but the thing is that is actually what CNBC, what school and academic institutions and Jim Cramer focus on.

LC: When your stock goes up, you buy something for $20, it is now worth $200, all that money is not coming from the company's profit, rarely, if ever, it is coming from other people willing to buy that stock from you for that price. But that is kind of the definition of a Ponzi scheme: all the money coming in is from new investors. And if they stop putting that money in, it all collapses, right?

TL: You are absolutely right. It is the purest definition of a Ponzi scheme. First of all, there's a name for this process of buying and selling at that profit. It is called capital gains. Basically, you buy low and sell high. That process itself is the definition of a Ponzi scheme. I didn't make up the definition. It is not my opinion that it is a Ponzi scheme.

By definition, the SEC defines there is three aspects of it. One, it is an investment scenario. Two, the investment profits come from other investors. Three, the investors think the profits come from somewhere else. And what we can clearly observe every single day, every single moment, the stocks are trading, is in the event where the stock seller, an investor, sells it to another investor, taking some capital gains profit if you're lucky.

So we have an investment scenario. We have profits that come from other investors. And those investors who are selling it, according to CNBC, according Jim Cramer, they think the money's come from somewhere else, like the growth of the underlying company. We have an event that we can witness every single day and we have a definition of a Ponzi scheme: the event matches a definition.  Therefore, it is a Ponzi scheme.



Egilsstaðir, 21.05.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Þeir sem leituðu nýrra lausna, sköpuðu nútíma heiminn. Ef við leitum ekki að nýjum lausnum, þá finnum við þær ekki. Nú förum við á fulla ferð í leita að og skapa betri heim með ljósinu og litunum, og munum að nóg er til.


Við verðum að taka vel eftir því, hvaða greinar eru valdar í blöðin. Eigandi fjölmiðla, ræður starfskraft til að starfa hjá sér.

Ef starfskrafturinn velur oftast umsögn frá aðila sem túlkar einn ákveðin hugmyndaheim, þá er hann að hygla því sjónarmiði.

Það getur verið gott, skásta sjónarmiðið, en olíupeningar geta keypt marga fjölmiðla, og það getur peningaprentun fjármálakerfisins, líka.

Það að ráða yfir auðlindum, og skrifa einnig peningabókhaldið, gefur mikil völd.

Við höfum látið spila með okkur, þegar sá sem heldur peningabókhaldið, þykist lána þjóðunum verðmæti.

Munum að ef 100 + kynna sér fjármálakerfið, þá fer hinn almenni einstaklingur að skilja það líka í gegn um alheims vitið.

Svo koma fjölmiðlarnir, og túlka hugmyndaheim sem eigendurnir telja að hjálpi til við að afvegleiða fjöldann.

Nú um stundir, byggist þessi hugmyndaheimur á þrívíðum tíma heimi, sem er alltof einhæf heimsmynd.

Engin vísindamaður, sem er að rannsaka heildar veruleikann, lætur sér til hugar koma, að binda sig við smáhorn af sannleikanum.

Menntakerfið fari á fullt í að kenna víðheiminn, fjölvídda bylgjuheiminn.

Þegar við segjum að allt vitið, og allir möguleikarnir, séu í eternum, súpunni, geisla þrívíða skjánum, sem við lifum í, þá þarf að hyggja betur að því.

Við horfum á sjónvarpsefnið, streyma til okkar á flatsjónvarpsskjánum, lýsingar á fortíðinni, nútíðinni og hugmyndum um framtíðina.

Engum dettur í hug að segja að þetta sé allt í flatskjánum sem slíkum.

Þetta er búið til af sköpunar andanum í fólkinu sem býr til sjónvarpsefnið.

Það er alveg eins, með allt sem á sér stað í þrívíða sjónvarpsskjánum sem við lifum í, það er allt til komið frá sköpunar andanum, sem við segjum að Guð hafi blásið í fólkið.

Munum að Guð er andi, sköpunar andi.

Við höfum litla eða enga möguleika til að lýsa Guði, sköpunarandanum, ekki frekar en ánamaðkurinn geti lýst mannheimum.

Til að við fáum víðari sýn, þurfum við að vilja meðtaka ný og aukin skilningarvit.

Þeir sem leituðu nýrra lausna, sköpuðu nútíma heiminn. 

Ef við leitum ekki að nýjum lausnum, þá finnum við þær ekki.

Nú förum við á fulla ferð í leita að og skapa betri heim með ljósinu og litunum, og munum að nóg er til.

Egilsstaðir, 20.05.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Í dag er verið að berjast um andann Guðsandann, Sköpunar Andann. Kristninni var hennt út úr skólunum, fjölvídda hugsuninni. Palestinumönnum haldið í flóttamannabúðum, til að koma í veg fyrir frambúðarlausn. Reynt að hemja fólk Sköpunarandans, Guðsfólkið.

 Efnisheimstrúin, og þá stjórnsýslan, skilur ekki fjölvíddirnar

og kíkir ekki inn í fjölheiminn.

UN, Sameinuðuþjóðirnar, stjórnsýslan vilja leggja stein í götu Guðsfólksins í okkur,

og þess vegna er þetta hatur á Gyðingdómi, Kristninni og Ísrael.

Nú tökum við okkur til og kennum Efnisheims trúar partinum í okkur á fjölheiminn, og fjölvíddirnar.

Þetta hangir allt saman.

Klikka á slóðina hér.

Verum fulltrúar gnægta, lausna.

21.4.2013 | 16:32

Klikka á slóðina hér fyrir ofan.

Þar var talað um “hin miklu vandræði”,takmörk (hag) vaxtarins, 

Þá varð mér hugsað til “hinna miklu vandræða” um aldamótin 1900. 

Þá var haldin fyrsta “alvöru” ráðstefna lærðustu manna um vandamál veraldarinnar. 

Þá sáu allir raunhugsandi men, vísindamenn, að hrossaskítur yrði komin

upp á aðra hæð  í öllum borgum veraldar eftir 10 til 20 ár.  

Þá var það að strákurinn í sögu HC Andersen Nýju fötin keisarans tók til sinna ráða. 

860,000 Jews were dispeled from their homes and resettled, and 760,000 Arabs were dispeled, and placed in refugee camps paid by UN and the West, to be used to destroy the Jewish state. Thees camps have been used as a social organization.

Egilsstaðir, 18.05.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Þetta er gamla sagan, ég lána þér pening, og hirði peninginn af þér. Þá hef ég það sem ég lánaði þér og þú skuldar það líka. Og það besta, ég lánaði þér ekki neitt. Það hringsnýst allt fyrir augunum á þér. og þú skilur ekki neitt.

Hef ég ekki kennt þér, veist þú ekki hvert vandamálið er?

Viltu öskra , berja í potta,

væri ekki nær að biðja guð um að hjálpa sér,

að hreinsa glýjuna úr augunum, og skítinn úr eyrunum.

Þá er líklegt að þú getir gætt hagsmuna þinna.


klikka á myndina til að fá hana stærri



Þetta er gamla sagan,

ég lána þér pening, og hirði peninginn af þér.

Þá hef ég það sem ég lánaði þér og þú skuldar það líka.

Og það besta, ég lánaði þér ekki neitt.

Það hringsnýst allt fyrir augunum á þér.

og þú skilur ekki neitt.

Hef ég ekki kennt þér, veist þú ekki hvert vandamálið er?

Viltu öskra , berja í potta,

væri ekki nær að biðja guð um að hjálpa sér,

að hreinsa glýjuna úr augunum, og skítinn úr eyrunum.

Þá er líklegt að þú getir gætt hagsmuna þinna.

 Egilsstaðir, 18.05.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Það þíðir ekkert að tala við Trump, ef hann stjórnar ekki Bandaríkjunum, segir Assad. Deep State stjórnar síðan Nixon var forseti, og ef til vill lengra aftur í tímann. (Sesar, Jesú við víxlarana í Musterinu, og A Linkoln, varu í sömu baráttunni. jg)

Assad: Why talk to Trump if he doesn’t control the US?

Assad: Why talk to Trump if he doesn’t control the US?
Meeting with Donald Trump would be pointless because the deep state – not the president – controls the US, Bashar Assad said in an interview. He noted that the agenda of the deep state is to create conflict aimed against Russia.

In an exclusive interview with Athens daily Kathimerini, Assad said there was no reason to meet face-to-face with Trump, since the US president “says something today, and does the opposite tomorrow,” and is likely not even  in control of policy decisions.

“[W]e don’t think the president of that regime is in control,” Assad told the paper, referring to Trump.

“We all believe that the deep state, the real state, is in control, or is in control of every president, and that is nothing new.

It has always been so in the United States, at least during the last 40 years, at least since Nixon, maybe before, but it’s becoming starker and starker, and the starkest case is Trump.”

Assad also dismissed the possibility of a third world war breaking out in Syria, telling the Greek newspaper that Moscow’s levelheadedness has so far prevented a catastrophic escalation – even as the US aims to expand the conflict.

Asked directly if he was concerned about the possibility of a third world war, Assad replied:

“No, for one reason: Because fortunately, you have a wise leadership in Russia, and they know that the agenda of the deep state in the United States is to create a conflict.

Since Trump’s campaign, the main agenda was against Russia, create a conflict with Russia, humiliate Russia, undermine Russia, and so on,” the Syrian president said.

Assad ended the interview by vowing to reunify Syria and restore its sovereignty, adding that the US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey are ultimately responsible for the seven-year war and must be held accountable for supporting “terrorists” fighting in Syria.

Upplýsum fólkið, Nikola og Jesú og fjölvídda heim vísindanna inn í skólana. Alls ekki lifa í þröngu þrívíðu, tíma efnisheims trúnni, sem heldur okkur í stanslausu stríðsástandi. Ekki borga til að halda vandræðunum áfram, heldur til að leysa málin strax.

UN, Sameinuðu þjóðirnar, stjórnsýslan, National cocialists, Comunists, eða cocialists til hægri og vinstri, efnisheims trúar fólk, engin Guð, fjölvíddirnar, vísindin, Guðsfólkið, Kristnin út úr skólunum, til að halda fólkinu óupplýstu.

Fjölvíða heiminn, vísindin, Kristnina strax inn í skólana.

Nú förum við beint út í lausnirnar: slóð

860,000 Jews were dispeled from their homes and resettled, and 760,000 Arabs were dispeled, and placed in refugee camps paid by UN and the West, to be used to destroy the Jewish state. Thees camps have been used as a social organization.

16.5.2018 | 00:28

Ekki borga til að halda vandræðunum áfram, heldur til að leysa málið strax.

Do not pay for status co, only pay for solutions,  

relief right now.

Göngum á fjölvídda vegum, gangi ykkur allt í haginn.

Egilsstaðir, 16.05.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Hér er reynt að finna út, hvað er gáfulegt að gera. Aðal málið er að hugsa ekki eingöngu aftur á bak, heldur leita lausna sem þú veist ekki hverjar eru í dag. Lausnirnar eru faldar, til að halda okkur á gamla básnum. Nýta hugsuðina, t.d. Jesú og Tesla.


Allar svona síður verður að taka með varúð,

og skoða hverju er sleppt.

Það er bent í þær áttir sem við viljum að hugsunin fari,

en það sem við viljum fela, því er sleppt.

Þetta á við vefsvæðið.


 Númer eitt er að leita lausna sem engin hefur látið sér detta í hug.

Að sjálfsögðu er þessi ekki með allan sannleikan.

Gera meira með minni orku og efni.

Ég er með eitthvað frá Buckminster Fuller 

 How to Know Your Life Purpose

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 3. maí 2012

Buckminster R Fuller, Synergy,Maltus.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 3. maí 2012

Energy - Synergy

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 29. febrúar 2012


Allar svona síður verður að taka með varúð,

og skoða hverju er sleppt.

Það er bent í þær áttir sem við viljum að hugsunin fari,

en það sem við viljum fela, því er sleppt.

Þetta á við vefsvæðið.


Peak Choice: Cooperation or Collapse

an uncensored guide to Earth, Energy and Money

by Mark Robinowitz



Peak Choice: Cooperation or Collapse

an uncensored guide to Earth, Energy and Money

by Mark Robinowitz

smella, þá stætti mynd


þessi hér neðan við virkar ekki í stækkun en er læsileg fyrir suma

Þessi stækkar

last updated 2016-03-09


Niðurstöður fyrir Buckminster

11 bloggfærslur fundust

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 13. mars 2016

Það er nóg til

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 15. febrúar 2014

 Verum fulltrúar gnægta, lausna.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 21. apríl 2013

Við erum fulltrúar gnægta, lausna.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 21. apríl 2013

USA, sýna athygli, vera viðbúinn

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 5. apríl 2013

Nýr gjaldmiðill

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 5. nóvember 2012

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 3. maí 2012

Buckminster R Fuller, Synergy, Maltus.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 3. maí 2012

Energy - Synergy

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 16. mars 2012


Egilsstaðir, 13.05.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated inti the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists. Nikola Tesla.

Nikola Tesla s Secret Lost Journals: Aliens, Advanced Weapons & Free Energy

Heilinn minn er móttökutæki, í alheiminum er kjarni og þaðan fáum við þekkingu, styrk og innblástur. Ég hef ekki grandskoðað leyndarmál kjarnans, en ég veit að hann er til.


Ég ætla ekki að vinna þetta meira allavega í bili.

Klikka, mynd stærri

































Egilsstaðir, 10.05.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Victory over Lincoln would mean the end of the Greenback. France and Britain considered an outright attack on the United States to aid the confederacy, but were held at bay by Russia,

 "The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers.

By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity. " -- Abraham Lincoln



Styrjöld til að stjórna auðlindunum og framleiðslu. Peningar eru bókfærsla, kvittun. Stríðið til að eiga tölur skrifaðar í seðlabankanum. Þú verður að nota mína krónu, minn dollar, mína peninga bókfærslu, þá á ég allt sem þú gerir.jg




We must remember that money is pure bookkeeping. jg


Goaded by the private bankers, much of Europe supported the Confederacy against the Union, with the expectation that victory over Lincoln would mean the end of the Greenback.

France and Britain considered an outright attack on the United States to aid the confederacy, but were held at bay by Russia,

which had just ended the serfdom system and had a state central bank similar to the system the United States had been founded on.

Tsar Alexander II of Russia
Tsar Alexander II of Russia, who prevented France and Britain from invading the US during the civil war.
Alexander II immediately sent his fleet, headed by the frigate Oslabiya, to the New York bay.
And he sent his Pacific flotilla to San Francisco
with a special imperial order
that it be placed under the
direct command
of Lincoln.

Left free of European intervention, the Union won the war, and Lincoln announced his intention to go on issuing greenbacks.


Following Lincoln's assassination, the Greenbacks were pulled from circulation and the American people forced to go back to an economy based on bank notes borrowed at interest from the private bankers.


Tsar Alexander II, who authorized Russian military assistance to Lincoln, was subsequently the victim of multiple attempts on his life in 1866, 1879, and 1880, until his assassination in 1881.


"I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear.
Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe."
-- Abraham Lincoln
"The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, and more selfish than bureaucracy."
-- Abraham Lincoln
"The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers.
By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest.
Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity. " -- Abraham Lincoln


Read more: ALL WARS ARE BANKERS' WARS! | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/allwarsarebankerwars.php#ixzz5FEJVtCa1

Egilsstaðir, 11.05.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


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