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the big companies buy up all the resources in the countries  



  • Big Companies Are Starting to Swallow the World

    Published: 30/09/2020
    Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins

    Big Companies Are Starting to Swallow the World. The exuberant rebound of large companies while their small competitors struggle will require more …

    Who are the two economists who have shown that bigger companies engage in “killer acquisitions” buyi…
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  • The New “Water Barons”: Wall Street Mega-Banks are Buying up …


    14/07/2020 · The new “water barons” — the Wall Street banks and elitist multibillionaires — are buying up water all over the world at unprecedented pace. Familiar mega-banks and investing powerhouses such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, UBS, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, Macquarie Bank, Barclays Bank, the Blackstone Group, Allianz, and HSBC Bank, among …

  • https://www.visualcapitalist.com/the-biggest-co
    • The Biggest Companies in The World
    • The Top 100, Ranked
    • Risers and Fallers
    • A Sector View
    • An Uncertain Recovery
    View the high-resolution of the infographic by clicking here. Since the COVID-19 crash, global equity markets have seen a strong recovery. The 100 biggest companies in the world were worth a record-breaking $31.7 trillionas of March 31 2021, up 48% year-over-year. As a point of comparison, the combined GDP of the 
    See more on visualcapitalist.com
    • Published: 10/06/2021
  • https://www.businessinsider.com/25-giant-companies...

    25/07/2018 · Cameroon's oil reserves and good agricultural conditions mean it has one of the best primary commodity economies in sub-Saharan Africa. Shutterstock/akturer Cameroon's GDP in 2016 was $32,230...

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    03/11/2018 · Arguably the most famous of these companies, France’s Total generated over $150 billion in sales last year and currently has a market cap of $128 billion. Other European countries with oil, gas, and energy leading the way include Italy with ENI, Portugal with Galp Energia, and the Netherlands with Royal Dutch Shell. Tech edges ahead in Asia

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